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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/241

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220 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 137. 1916. United States, or any State, Territory, or District thereof, at such times, in such quantities, and under such plan ot publ1c_compet1t1ve bidding as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior may pro- {,;3*gm***ggh 0, mtg duce the best results: Promkied, '1`hat said Secretary shall have the emory bias. right to reject any bid where he has reason to_ believe that the price ogered is inadequate, and may reoifer the timber until a satisfac- S=¤¤ ¤‘¤*¤¤“ “°j**- tory bid is received: P further, That upon application of a qualified purchaser that any legal subdivision shall e separately offered for sale such subdivision shall be separately offere before being included in any offer of a larger unit, if such application be Timber sues. filed within ninety days prior to such offer: And prmmled further, That said timber shaH be sold as rapidly as reasonable prices can be _ secured therefor in a normal market. '_ _ ,,,,{§§·“° °' °““b°’ "°°` The Secretary of the Interior shall as soon as the purchase price is fully paid by any person purchasing under the provisions of this section issue to suc purchaser a patent conveying the timber and cueing. removal, expressly reserving the land to the United States. The timber thus °‘°· purchased may be cut and removed by the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, within such period as may be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, which period shall be designated in the patent;_ al rights _ under said patent shall cease and terminate at the expiration of said i§'Z$um. period: Provided, That in the event the timber is removed aplrior to the expiration of said period the Secretary of the Interior sh make due lannoimcement thereof, whereupon all rights imder the patent shal cease. T*“*°"°‘ No timber shall be removed until the issuance of patent therefor. All timber sold under this Act shall be subject to the taxing (power of the States apart from the land as soon as patents are issue as pro- _ vided for herein. - $i,‘§‘,§f,,?‘};‘{,“l,,]§2{.‘,,°f’· Sec. 5. That nonmineral lands of class three shall be subject to entry under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the _ United States, except as modified herein, and opened to entry in l°’·38"" m‘ accordance with the provisions of the Act of September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Lar e, page one hundred and thirteen). Fift cents per acre shall be pak? at the No c,,,,,,,mm.,,,,_ time the original entry is allowedy and $2 per acre when final proof is gg;-f§gg,j§°L·,g·*§; made. The provisions of section twenty-three hundred and one, Required. ’ " vised Statutes, shall not apply to any entr hereunder and no patent shall issue until the entryman has resided1 upon and cultivated the land for a period of three years, roof of which shall be made at any time within five years from date elf ent . The area cultivated shall be such as to satisfy the Secretary of therlrnterior that the entry is made pmsm._ in good faith for the purpose of settlement and not for speculation: €l°¤*°¢‘**mb°"“¤dS- P1·0:vwZded, That the payment of $2.50 per acre shall not be required from homestead entrymen upon lands of class two when the same p,.;.,r.¤c.—,mpm¤t shall become subgt to entry as agricultural lands in class three:

  • °Sid€¤*$- Provided further, at during the period fixed for the submission of

applications to make ent under this section any person duly qualified to enter such lands whoqas resided thereon, to the same extent and in the same manner as is required under the homestead laws, since the first day of December, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and who has improved the land and devoted some ortion thereof to agricultura use, and who shall have maintained his residence to the date of such application, shall have the referred right to enter the uarter section upon which he was so residing whether such lands shacll be of class two or class three and where such quarter section does not 0¤m¤¤·>r¤¤¤dS. contam more than one million two hundred thousand feet board measure of timber, and_where the quarter section contains more than the said quantity of timber such person may enter the forty-acre tract, or lot or lots containing approximately forty acres, upon which