222 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 137. 1916. payment is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. _ Receipts from lands Sec. 10. That all moneys received from or on account of said ilige ${l$°ei§i¢l{Lei°?°s°" lands and timber under the provisions of this Act shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States in a special fund, to be designated "The Oregon and California land-grant und," which fund shall be D*SP°S*“°“ °‘· disgpsed of in the following manner: The Secretary of the Interior sh ascertain as soon as ma be the exact number of acres of said lands, sold or unsold, patented to the Oregon and California Railroad Compan , or its redecessors, and the number of acres of unpatented lands which said) railroad companyis entitled to receive under the terms of said grants and the value of said lands at $2.50 per acre. From the sum thus ascertained he shall deduct the amount already received by the said railroad company and its predecessors in interest on account of said lands and which should be charged against it as P¤r¤=·m¤ ¢¤ r·=¤¤>¤<1 determined under section seven of this Act; and a sum equal to the °°m°°°y’ °t°‘ balance thus resulting shall be paid, as herein provided, to the said railroad company, its successors or assigns, and to those having hens on the land, as their respective interests may appear. The amount due lien holders shall be evidenced either by the consent, in writing, of the railroad company or by a judgment of a court of competent 'urisdiction in a suit to which the railroad company and the hen holders are parties. Payments shall be made from time to time, as the fund accumulates, by the Treasurer of the United States upon {Q; H ,w,,,,,, the order of the Secretary of the Interior: Prmnlied, however, That if, msumcient- upon the expiration of ten years from the approval of this Act, the proceeds derived from the sale of lands and timber are not sufficient to pay the full amount which the said railroad company, its successors or assigns, are entitled to receive, the balance due shall be paid from the general funds in the Treasury of the United States, and an approngmmuuou arm priation shall be made therefor. After the said railroad company, $§'it§""°"d °°“" its successors or assigns, and the lien holders shall have been paid the amount to which they are entitled, as provided herein, an amount equal to that paid for accumulated taxes, as provided in section nine hereof, shall be dxpsited in the Treasiuy to the credit of the United States, thereafter other moneys received from the sales of land and timber shall be distributed as follows: mlgggjlggjte °' *******5 A separate account shall be kept in the General Land Office of the ` sales o land and timber within each county in which any of said lands are situated, and, after deducting from the amonmt of the proceeds arising from such sales in each county a sum equal to that applied to pay the accrued taxes in that county and a sum equal to $2.50 per acre for each acre of such land therein title to which is revested in the United States under this Act, twenty-five per centum of the remainder shall be paid to the State treasurer ofy the State inwhich the land is located, to be and become a part of the irreducible school fund of the State; twenty- five per centum shall be paid to the treasurer of the county for common_ schools, roads, highways, bridges, and ort districts, to be a · portioned by the county courts for the several) p oses above names ; orty per centum shall be paid into, reserved, diid appropriated as ar W- 3% P- 388- part of the fund created by the Act of Congress approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, known as the reclamation Act; ten per centum shall become a art of the general fund in the ¥`¤>¤¤ ¤¤"=* S¤*¤°¤¤- Treasury of the United States; and oi) the balance remaining in said Oregon and California land grant fund from whatsoever source derived twenty-five per centum shall be paid to the State treasurer of the State in which the land is located, to be and become a part of the irreducible school fund of the State; twenty·£ive per centum shall be paid to the treasurer of the county for common schools, roads, highways, bridges, and port districts, to be apportioned by the county
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