280 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 209. 1916. maldng necessary observations in altitudes repaiis and altera- _ tions of buildings, and miscellaneous expenses, $l3,000. _ §$§§°,’§§‘}H`;°$s, National Museum: For cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances •*¢· required for the exhibition and safe·keep1ng of collections, including m lo ees $25 000; _ _ ,,g°“°l"" "‘m”" mlicdgahiaratizinlg, electrical, telegraphic, and telephomc serv- ` $46 000· _ _ umn? °°u°°` molior cbntiiiuing preservation, exhibition, and increase of collections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sources, inclu necessary emdployees, all other necemary expenses, and not ex $5,500 for awmgs and illustrations for publications, $300,000* _ _ B°°”·°*°‘ For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference, $2 000; _ _ R°*"l”· lfor re airs of buildings, shops, and sheds, including all necessary labor and) material, $10,000; _ P¤¤¤¤·· For Hostage stamkps and foreign postal cards, $500; In a , National useum, $383,500. _ N““°“°l z°°*°8*°°‘ National Zoological Park: For roads, walks, bridges, water supply, run, nc. . . . . . . Expenses stgwerage, (rigid dr e; giradmg, pla1Ltgi1g,_ and Otgiervzilse 1mp1‘0v1I1g e un · erec an repairing _ dings an in osures; care subs§ence, purchase, and transportation of animals; necemaiiy em; ployees; incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, inc purchase, maintenance, and of horses and veh1c*es require or official purposes, not exceeding $100 for the purchase of necessary _ books and periodicals, and exclusive of arch1tect’s fees or compensa- ,,,{’§}',,,,,,_"'°“° °"°“°" tion, $100,000; one half of which sum shall be `paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other ha from the Treasu of e . th United States ry ,,},’;‘,,,,,°"g,f}_fg_°°“‘"‘°'°° INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. “““'*“· 5 For seven commissioners at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; in all, 75,000. · E?°F"°’· For all other authorized expenditures necessa in the exe f n iii-¤Ld£?i>iu¤`;¤i>i?“n°°' of laws to rslgulate commerce, including er dieriiy in lieu of sniziisistence when owed pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civil appropriation Act approved August first, nineteen hundred and _tcA¤¤¤¤¤f¤r¤¤¤¤¤•¤, fourteen, $1,100,000, of which sum there may be expended not ` exceeding $50,000 in the employment of counsel, not exceeding $3,000 for necessary books, re rts, and periodicals, not exceeding $1,500 for printing other than tlxllt done at the Government Printin Office, not excee_ xnig $100 in the open market for the purchase ol oflice furmture sim: ar in class or kind to that listed in the general R¤¤*· pgpplgy pchegdnpleé sind lpot exceeding $70,000 for rent of buildings in e is mc o 0 um ia. ,,,§{§;°,€§§*§,,,,,°f°"““" To further enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce 36';>·£éiv· 5% W- compliance with section twenty of the Act to regulate commerce as amended by the Act approved June twenty·mnth, nineteen hundred and six, including the employment of necessary special agents or examiners, $300,000. p,§§;f*Y ”‘°‘*' °P‘ To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed zgvorg, ygegiéavoi. regarding and to enforce compliance with Acts to promote the safety 9,;,;P(,°,_-3,,,‘;,_·mg P· of employees and travelers upon railroads; the act requiring comxcemms. mon carriers to make reports of accidents and authorizing investi- 36};}-,Q,; P· *4** "°*· gations thereof; and to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission ggfgfigmgigicvol to investigate and test block-signal and train—control systems and 35!p_·3.,,g P· · · appliances intended to promote the safety of railway operation, as authorized by the Joint resolution approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and the provision of) the sundry civil Act approved