288 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 209. 1916. IM-¤•¤¤¤* ¤¥· `al of deceased in nt atients: For burying in_ the Llttlc 1¤?u:¢u°ii·ii{d$g=ruiiS RoEklllArkansas) Nationalllgmetgry, including transportation thereto, H°°¥’“"L indigent ex—soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex-marmes of the United States . ° service, either Regular or Volnmteer, who have been honorably discharged or retired and who die while patients at the Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas, be disbursed at a cost not exceeding $35 for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, $200. mm P“""· NATIONAL Mmrranr PARKS. c,,°’“°*"""“,,,,,,,,,,,,,“*‘° ‘""’ Chickama a and Chattanoo a National Park: For continuing the establishmerilag of the park; coinpensation and expenses of civilian commissioners, maps, SUTVBE, clerical other assistance, including $300 for necessary clerical bor under direction of the chairman o the commission; maintenance, repau·, and operation of horse-drawn enger-carrying vehicle; office and other necessary expenses; ildiisndations for State monuments; mowinlg; historical tablets, iron and bronze; iron gim carriages; roads an their mamtenance; purchase of small tracts of lands heretofore authorized by law, $55,260. ¤¤¤¤¤· Shiloh National Military Park: For continuing the establishment of the park; compensation of civilian commissioners; secretary) and superintendent; c erical and other services; labor; historical ta lets; ma and surveys; roads; purchase and transportation of supplies aneiiinaterials foundations to monuments; ofrice and other necessary expenses, including maintenance, repair, and operation of motorpro lled passenger-c vehicle, $25,800. G¤**Y¤*>¤*8· Giiitysburg National garlzz For continuing the establishment of . the park; acquisition of lands, siuveys, and mapxs; constructing, improvin , and avenues, roads, and ridges thereon; fences anil ates; marking the lines of battle with tablets and guns, each tabletlaearing a brief legend giving historic facts and com ilcd without censure and without praise; preserving the features of) the battle field and the monuments thereon; compensation of civilian commissioners, clerical and other services, expenses, and labor; urchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position; and all other expenses incidental to the foregoing, $42,500. Vi°'¤b°*’8· Vicksburg National Military Park: For continuing the establishment of the ark; compensation of civilian commissioners; engineer and clerk, labor, iron gum carriages, mounting of siege gums, memorials, monuments, markers, and historical tablets giving historical facts, corndpiled without praise and without censure; ma s, surveys, roads, bri ges, restoration of earthworks, purchase of landls, purchase and transgggtgggin of supplies and materials; and other necessary expenses, . , . m,Q;[g'"°"' D°P°'°· ENGINEER nnrarvrmsxr. vtixewstem. Yellowstone National Park: For maintenance and re air of improvements, $152,500, including not to exceed $15,000 For maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the east boundary, and not to exceed $10,000 for maintenance of the road in the forest reserve leading out of the park from the south V¤¤i¤¤•¤~ boundary, and mcludinf not exceeding $5,000 for purchase, operatron, maintenance, an repair of motor-driven and horse—draw‘n, passenger-carrying vehicles to be used for inspection of roads and road work, to be expended by and under the direction of the Secretary promo. _ _ of War: Provided, That no portion of this appropriation shall be $¤°* ”°=**T¤°*¤°¤- expended for the removal of snow from any of the roads for the purpose of opening them in advance of the time when they will be cleared y seasonal changes.