Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/335

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314 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cn; 209. 1916. ‘ mus; f f 'tnesses d for payment of the {m%$m mtgiégeggevngg of witxIfei)sIsmt·;§I‘;}m‘;1ided by shldtion hundred and iift Revised Statutes of nited States $1 2 , _ ._ _ ¤•¤*¤*¤°¤** '°°¤·*- Igcir rent of rooms for the United States 00'i1l`liB,8l1d ]\1d16l&l 0Hi<‘61'9, $58,000. , . . . . B¤¤¤¤¤' · - ' d t three bailiffs and one crier in _ mm “§°ii11€r?aii2P€?¤°L`Q*§:IiiriEhmmeei·¤‘ *s$:.°:uN,t..°w *%::;,1; ts . (Z Z y ii.°°g`l£sn°ri$l`i:°?$. giideregalction seven hundred and fifteen of the Revised Statutes sliall ’ be deemed to be in actual attendancewhen they attend upon the 1‘r¤v¤¤ ·*“¤-» ·¤· f urts· Providcdfurther That no such crsons shall be °°S°djédm' (e)ii1d;l‘o;edt}d8ui·:i’ng vacation; expenses’of circuit and district judges of the United States and the judges of the district courts of the nited va ¤¤.n>.u¤r Seam in Mask? aggglcawaii, asclarevideg pghsaiction :;*0 gungeg d iift - t t _ Marc mne n un e xd e1ei;a (itled, "Aii’i‘lI¢ii.)riql:>'1;codi‘§yi revise, ;iiid_ tip} ¤xp¤¤¤. el` to " ·me an odg1n§or]urors-m ·m my 1St: ,an<{ofbailgsii1attendanceupon _ same, whenordered nr sam. by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors m Alaska, as provided va. ai. p. Ninn by section one lilundred and 1(pnety-three£i’l`itle Il, of the Act of June my °‘““""“ ·· th tee dred· an compensa on or jury commissioners ggpernxy, rilotligroeeding three days for any one term of court; $250,000. _ w¤¤•H•¤•¤¤¤ ¤¤- For such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized lg the °°”’°S' Attorney Generalilfor the United States Q0lU:§ apiogcthteir o fcexils, innldmg` muc asmay en in e reono e Attbxmey Glgneral f;>l1;1such expenses in tgie trict of Ala§kaa$475,000. S°PP“°‘~ — F plies' , ·` ding` exchange o typewri an a ding` machinzls Sigia, the Uliiited States courts an yudicitallviifiicers, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $35,000. S“PP°“°' P"*’°"°'* For suppgpt of lénigpsdz States prhoners, mchédilni npcessarg cloth- ' a `ca ai , harge gratuities provide y aw an trans- 1p?>grtaltiorIi1:o place ogcongictipp or plahcle pliobpyna iiges residence in tge nited States or suc other p ce wit United States as may e_ authorized by the Attorney General; support of prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence who have no friends to whom they can be sent; shiping remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the lllmted States and interment of deceased prisoners whose remains are unclaimed; care and tgegtment of guarildp empgoyedlpsy the United Statesw omay einjure yprisonersw 'esai ar n a — oring to prevent escapes or suppress mutiny; exgleinses ixlizifrred in identifying and pursuing escape prisoners and for rewards for their recapture; and not exceeding $2,§00 fO1' repairs, betterments, and improvements of United States ]81lS, including sidewalks, $625,000.

  • ,;•;¤_j_;¤vg*g¤”,j*Km‘ Leavenworth, Kansas, Penitentiary: For subsistence, includine

s.,b,rm,c,_ ’ ggillpphgg {mn;) the prison stores gm hwardepi, ddxeputy warden, and y `cian, to acco or prisoners, `tc en an · 0 `t iindsiitensils, seeds and implements, and for pmchlnilsgergf ilde dhieclielsj , $80,000; _<·z¤¤¤¤¤sp¤r=¤· gm- clothing, transportation, and traveling expenses, including °°”’°°°' materials for making clothing at the penitentiary; gratuities for prisoners at release, provided such gratuities shall be furnished to prisoners sentenced for terms of imprisonment of not less than six months, and transpo1;ta_tion to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States, or to such other place within the United States as may be authorized b the Attorney General; expenses of shipping remains of deceasedjiprisoners to their homes in the lgiteil Etsttes; expenses of pemdtentiary officials wbiledtraveling on o cia u y; expenses incurre in d tif ' escaped prisoners, and for rewards for theii·u1f;i1;%mi;I3$3.i'»,(i1010;y1ug