Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/411

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390 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 255-257. 1916. ter, section two, township four south, range five west, Uinta. special P , meridian, for cemetery purposes upon the payment of $1.25 per acre. mustn. Provided, That if the said town shall at any time permit the said lands hereby granted to be used for any not contemplated by this Act the said lands shall revert to the mtcd States. Approved, July 26, 1916. Jul;-26,1916. , . 4 . . . . ( 2845.] CHAP. 2g:i.—An Act Authennng the sale of the marme—hospital reservation in n>¤tue,N¤.1w.; cl°'°h“d· *2- umm, ·. B it ated theS te¢mdHoue Re eeentativeeof the United »(ll’5?,¥i°dh“(;°?:l °t’ Shiga in asgernldg Tgt the Secretary of the

  • PP""“°“”°¤*» •*°- be, and be is hereby, directed to have the present marinehospi reservation rn Cleveland, Qhmo, and the improvements

thereon, except so much of said reservation and the improvements thereon as he may deem rt advisable to retain for the use of any branch of the public service, appraised by competent appraisers, pa therefor the customary rate of compensation for suc service, anillllhen, in his discretion and after due advertisement, to sell said ap raised land and improvements, or any portion thereof, to the higlliest bidder therefor, upon such terms and at such times as the Slecrlitgxéy of tl? Treasury may deem {for tlie best intleresgs pif the ni tates. or anaggrega price o not ess w at e eems the value of said property after considering said a praise' m ts, and at not less than the appraised value, or the appropriate ropglitionate . . , P peart of said value for such part of said land or 1m rovements as may sol;lr€e§rate;ly€0 ap; to convu? said land antf im];1§>,ventipnts,u<£· any _ ereo , respec e p ‘ ereo y e us _ quite deed. ,§m°‘§",w*{,?,l,’,'P,,l},Q; That the proceeds of the of so much of said reservation and •¤=· the improvements thereon as is sold under the fo in- authorization are hereby appropriated and made available for the proyisien of a new marine hospital at Cleveland, hio, mcludmg Bmw mmdm fm-mshing and the acquisition of a suitable site therefor, within a ' limit pg costi of $40111,0010;, and the balance of the proceeds of the sale shall pai intot e asuryasmiscellaneolxsre ts. llggrgymggw Lg; That $1,000 is hereby appropriated and made ihlhiediately avail- ' able for the compensation of the apprameis above mentioned and such other expenses incident to the said sale as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem proper and specially order in writing. Approved, July 26, 1916. [F€}*iEr§’f§5é>§E7l . xg almppgessczion fourtgadn of the reclamation extension Act I _ _ h Be it enacted Senate and Housligf Representatives of the United {,‘f,‘§"}"§,“,§j°*;,§°g§0, States of America in Oongrese assemb , That section fourteen of an ¤¤·¤¤<i¤<1- Act entitled "An Act extending the period of payment under reclaznatgcip pmj€•;5ts,hand for otg1?ruptux·posgs," appgoied August atihireen ,mne n un an o een, eamene soastore as follows: d°*;°°;?%`;:1°;°§;X;8°§: "Sec. 14._ That any person whose land or entry has heretofore gm by presnt wu- become subilect to the reclamation law, who desires to secure the ‘ benefits of the entension of the period of payments rovided by this Act_, shall, within six months after the issuance ofp the first public notice hereunder aifecting his land or ent , notify the Secretary of the Interior, in the manner to be prescrged by said Secret , of his acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Act, andalzzere-