Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/499

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478 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 313. 1916. tween such partieséf (;11T1:h8l:'t priyies,l agd prima facie evidence of the ' f on mvo v . neemsaumoidu- m}?Sec. 6. cm? for thempuxgses of section Eve of this Act the ‘°";'fn“;#":‘ mm diilerenees above or below contract price which thzdreoeitvlgr Eizyu market is co- shall pay for cotton of grades above or below basisfgr ue ixghdci ` i‘.°;}‘a`°““U.m.“*I.°S.i“§°“§1'3°Ic¥£$i“°Jm°’m.'hr§i€l"k`E's°Br6¤Z;'i'..°v§i‘L.,‘1'im..i C u is the sixth bdsiness day prior to the day fixed, in accordance with t£)sixth subdivision of section five, for the delivery ho: cotta; onhthe ,estblishedb the al of t tto int mar w ere Qthetgtgiire tiilansaction irnvolvgedoocchig) aizild isnconsummated if such

°t°” market be, a bona fide spot market; and in_the event there be no

bona iide spot market at_ or in the place m which such future transac— ‘§2i" °°°a§‘§’°’¤‘€§°;’§; T? ‘$i$3.“it2“°s°m.’ il", ${31 ‘·§?°¥2¥i°§s2£°Z§0$§ ow i co ce s or below_the shall be determined by average actual °°rm°*ca’.·%“m;;.“·z s "‘"°.zh¤..*::‘;.;s·:.:hs;:.***.;’b"sm&% to a e , m acco gercgiion figs, fzrithe delivgry leg cotton on tl:] ¥on?::t, in the fspot ts no ess ve aces designs or u se rom ge to tiéne by'htéhedSecr<¥:ary of Agriculture, diisdsuchpvlalgiepi were tblishe b sesos tcotton, insu es' ate veor {7°_,gQ*· had an gdoge marketg;_Provided, Thaltofor the purposes of tmsgnsection such stmdua FIGS- values in the said spot markets be based upon the standards for grades , a is rmmed ¤ ·=····· ·-· ········- j'£¤°7i.“$°"·i%."€`3Q”£Z‘§.Y’v`£3'$ Q°.‘i‘J§”E£L §gTi2°*°`1’.?‘bf$‘Zt£'““”‘” mt fr:lm` the salgoor sales of spot dcgtton l;¥her giéade or grades, _vue · maccor eewit ruesan regulationswi N tu an mmm shall be prescribed. for the by the Secretary of Agriculture. by {mis to ww, Sec. 6A. That no tax _ be levied nmder this Act on any con- % gmc =x»¤i¤•¤ acct of sale mezrttnonpd md section threiaglierizelf if ahelcontracgiprovide ' at, incaseoo no gr eorgradeso er an e asis e eclfied in the contract shall be tendered in performance of tg; constiiact, the parties to such contract may agree, at the time of the tender, as to the price of the grade or_grades so tendered, and that if they shall not then agree as to such price, then, and m that event, the buyer of said conzracg. silialllhave tthpl to deztnanatltitghe spetimi of sugg conrac eacu every co no e asis aen therein and, at the price specified for such basis grade in gd contxct and if the contract comply with_all the terms and conditions of Exemptim we sp- section five hereof not inconsistent with this section: Provided, That £f>*• *¤ °P•°*°•·* nothing in this section shall be so construed as to relieve from the tax lined ty pection threetizf thilsjzxst anydcontractm which, ortin glue setemen o or in respec o w c any evice or arr emen w te is resorted to, or any agreement’is made, for the dglegrmination hr X3? Lustment of the price of the grade or grades tenderexl other than the asis grade specified in the contract by any ‘Hxed diii’erence’ system, f gay arbitration, or by any other method not provided for by this c . mbcgfmtim ¤f ¤¤¤· Contracts made in compliance with section shall be known as ummm ,mp,,,d_ ‘Section six Contracts.’_ The provisions of this section shall, be deemed fully incorporated mto any such contract if there be written or printed thereon, or on the memorandum eviden the same, at or grior to the time the same is signed, the phrase ‘Sul>j act to United mmuuclwu tates cotton futures Act, section six A.’ PM p_ m_ trigctgonalten ogdthis Act slfiall not belconstrued to apply to any conosem emcom an 't f A f. Eg markets w be Sh"lS1i:)0. 7. 'llhlat fgrbtghe p :>l tldilxgtillthlggnlyildicgrkem whigh a e oonsi ere na t ts ll t hi h Secretary of Agriculture shafl,S}:>mmti·1;e8to zixge, aiterdhggtigation? detlermme and designate to be such, and of which he shall give public no ce.