Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/511

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490 SIXTY-FOURTHS CONGRESS; Sms. I. Ch. 313. 1916. mdhm. r _ Th.; wm-oh mommy A arehouse licensed www N lv m1deS1PtLhii2Aet shall plainlocancel tllizeuilgcgtvliereof each receipt returned upon the ehaliylry by hrm of the agricultural products { which 10061 to ° . rv ‘ ¤•¤*¤¤» *•¤•*¤>*¤· °$Smo. 23. That Pevhigs conducting a warehouse · °°°"°°b°P”°°"°d‘ licensed under this Actshall ku in arplhvts of safety ¢{0¤1Pl6*·6 and t 3.?’£”°“a.mttm””"*S °f"}” »'F"v§.r.r¤°‘“`“$‘!;€.t..'°°”,§’f.?`;2.‘i’rT.?i“t“h?‘r.§“ $23 Hf; , o a · .

 Ԥ,,*""""" reediplts returned tomnd canceled by him, shall mais reports to the

' ° Secretary of Agriculture such warehouse and the condition, A A - A · °°°°°ming · 11 1 (1 t 11 contesltqhaoperatron, busrnms thereof insuc erm an a suc “’“‘””· ”’pt"”m“”’i“*t‘t°$.°i*&%°°¥rr‘l'§‘u';*}?.?3il2g2c]l.‘i$$§§ respects in com wi , , » - ¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤ -"Sm. l'»h0S®1Dl581'] of Agricultureria authorized to cause °t°°°°°°°°°°` examinations to be made of any agricultural product stored in any warehouse licensed under this Act. ¤W`henever, after opportunity for hearing is to the warehousernan conducting suchwarehouse, it is %°“J...”?ii "".?3F *’ ‘i°° "°§'°'““‘·‘“"’m°]2'& `»I°‘°° °§.Z"m y ctan eruesan tions e emeun , e reblish his Ending . .

°‘;_;     of wulture may, aft; opportuciiiity

vs¤n•u¤»,•¤¤. hearing n or tot `censee concern suspen or rxroke any license issued to any warehousernan conducting a werehorme er this Act, for any violation of or failure to comply with any provision of this Act or of the rules and regulations made here— glider or upon th? ground that unrenaisbnivble or exorbitant charx . — ve I or e — . ending` investigation,. ‘ _ Secretary of Agriculture whenever he deems necessary, may suspend a ¤g{%!$'§,'Ti§?$li?,{,°f' “Sm. 26?° That the Secretary of Agriculture from time to time may "°"’°‘·‘“’°”’°°·°‘°· publish the results of any investigations made under section three of this Act; and he shall publish the names and locations of warehouses hcensedand bonded and the names and addresses of [persons licensed under this Act and lists of all licenses terminated un er this Act and Ommmmmmm thzgggseg therefor. _ _ _ enm¤s,.w. _ . 7. That the Secretary of Erculture is authorized through oilicials, employees, or agents of the partment of Agriculture designated by him to examme all books, records papers, and accounts of warehouses licensed under this Act and of the warehousemen conducting such warehouses relating thereto: _ ,,,*$$$**°¤··•°°··°° _ "Sncik28. Tgaxtul the Sgcretary of Agnizlulture slhall from time to time m e suc as an regu] tions as ma m f Sm. hm M im- the gificignt ericqeicution of the ptrE;is§>ns rgjlhilscdctfe ugcessuy or WM ‘ Ec. 9. at nothing' in ct s nstru to nili t

 or to authorize any conflict with, or in anc; wayeto   gr

Cmmtm wm) hmrt the effect or operation of the laws of any State re ating to ware. 8,,,,, ,,m,,.,,,,,_ houses, yvareholulstemen, WB;'§hB1'S,(F1{;8dGIS, or rélassigers; gutgtihelgecre o c ureisau orize ocoo raewi suc o are th the enforcement of suclIi6Statc laws in suchcStatg h.,,<:,»···-··-»··~···-~ $.’§.I.“§'§%‘,T(Z1?‘§.‘Z.*L°$'}ifr‘§ ?§£‘t°; ti.?}-i?5Fi°;T.‘°3l.‘ tif 1§}.‘£3°§§`., ' operation of any statute of the United States relating to warehouses or warehousemen, werghers, graders, or classiiiers now in force in the District of Columbia or in any Territory or other place under the t I 1 exclgsivegirwttion of the UnitecLSta}t:;s]i f _ c, evo- _" Ec, . every personw os , alt , te1‘ft mm' °t simulate, or lrepresent, or shall withoii;t?>(i·oper6laut=l(i$ty any cense ISS}! y the Secretary of ture under this Act, or who shall violate or fail to comply wit any provision of section eight of this Act, or who shall issue or utter a false or fraudulent