Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/529

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508 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess; L C11. 319. 1916. imgs.' tion districts where the kriguticn works have not been constmcted, andwhich plan shall sufficient tq thoroughly xrngate and ‘ reclaim said land and repsrej1t=to reuse ordinary agncultural crops, ` and which shell also show thesowce of water to be used for mage- "°"*°°R mm ·°, um H tion of lend included in said Provided, That the Secretary of mnummmm the Infgmjor may, napuu the expmmon of ten years froyn the date of ‘ his ap revel of said ms and pm of any nmgetiou distrnct, release from the lien authorized gy auymxenterediland or lands upon whichfina.1 certidcate has not issued, for which imgetxon works have not been constructed and water of such district mag; t;ve;S11a&li»1le gu I·“*°’ “*’i°°° ‘° the land: Provided further That inithose irrigation c ea y ?§§'z,2&."""°“‘ °‘ oxzgunhed me whose nngieos works awe constructed me em inopemtion as soon as sisdtisfaetory ples, a.nd_p1m1_sha1l here been approved by the Secretary of the ‘tenor,·ss ur this Act proe vided, such entered and unentered Iem& suhyeet to_ all district taxes and assessments theretofore actually levned Emmet thé lands in said district 8»DdiDl':h0B$II16m&DD8lI1Wh?Ohl&H ofalM character held under private ownership are subyeet to hens assessments. · R°°°'d °‘ °PP'°““ Sec. 4. That u n the a mvalof the district map or plat as here} mud mm inbefore providedxh the ggcretary of the Interior the register and . mceiverwi]1 note saidrapproval gon their records where any ll110I1f·01’6d. or entered and unpatented hm are affected. _ ,

 S1:0. 5. That no public lands which were unentered at the $11116 any

“”‘· tax or assessment was levied against same by such irrigation district — shall be sold for such taxes or assessments, but such tax or assessment shall be and continue a lien upon such lmds, and not more than one hundred and sixty acres of such lend shall be entered bg any one m::m§;£Y °**"Y· n; end when such luudsphall benptglied for, after said approval · Ky the Secretary of the Interior, under e homestead or d6S6I't-18.Dd laws of the United States the application shall be suspended for a. 'od of thirty days to enable the apglicant to present a certificate Frzrxin the ro district or county 0 cer sho that no un aid . . P P9? . . P Y ds district charges are due and delinquent against said and. ¤·i“¤°Iil.t°`if}`igi.°}’i¤¤ Sm. 6. That any entered but unpatented lands not sub'ect. to the P~{ké•;§,k www reclamation Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two vom an, p. rm (Thirty-second Statutes page three hundred and eighty-eight), sold in the manner and ior the purposes mentioned in tlns Act may be patented to the purchaser thereo or his ess5nee at any time after the expiration of the period of redemption lowed by lsw under which nt may have been sold (no redemption having been made) upon the payment to the receiver of the local land office of the minimum price of $1.25 per acre, or such other price as may be fixed by law for such lands, to ether with the usual fees and commissions Q"“"°°""""’*°°°‘ charged in entries of liie lands under the homestead laws, and upon a satxsfactory showing that the irrigation works have been constructed and that water of the district is available for such land; but the purchaser or his assignee shall, at the time of application for patent ave the qualiiication of a homestead entryman or desert-land entgyman, and not more than one hundred and sixty acres of said ling Shall be patented to any one purchaser under the provisions of t ct. M>¤*i*=¤i¤¤- These limitations shall not apply to sales to 1rr1ge` tion districts, but

 apply to   from such irrigation districts of such land

bidriln ysaid l;str1ct.h S¤b¤¤<1¤;0¤¢ vm- at unless the pure aser or his ass` ee of such lends shall, within °h°`°°M°°s °P°l°‘ ninety days after the time for mdemltgltion has expired, pay to the proper receiver all foes and commissions and the purchase rice t0 which the United States shall be entitled as provided for in Act, any person having the qualification of a homestead entryman or a desert-land entrymem may pay to the proper receiver, for not more