Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/531

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510 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. *I. Gus., 320-322. 1916. P*¤¤*·¤· decisions: Provided That the Score of the Interior is authorized ‘m°m°”’ M" to determine what attornegl or atttggheys haveactually rendered · services of value to the In 'ans described m connection with the yments herein provided for, and all compensation therefor on a gis of quantum meruit in such amounts as he may deem proper, and pay the amount so fixed and found to be due, less any counter claims, to sucheattorney or attorneys, and deduct the same from the amount `d3 to theindrans herembefore doscribed, u receipt in attorney or attorneys of all claims and demands against saidf Indians; · ‘ . ~ Approved, August 11, 1916. Q · · ·’* mm can. a.- A ri ·· u»1¢ii»¤e.mmn¤»E»oo¤· cm w

 construct, m$lto a¤ogtheMiq¤>uri 'verin thegalgot

u>¤»u¤,N¤.1ns; M,m“m_ _ é c L f J T W _ Be·£te1uwtcdlPyt7zcSe1nate and Ho·uec·of Reprccen!ativesoft?se Uwitéd Egifigivirinvsr States·%fAmer·ica in 0 ccc assembled, That the consent of Congress

,g;*;=· is here y granted to   River Transportation Company and

Sigma ccqmy :6 its successors and· assigns, to construct, and operate a §‘$_“° °°‘“"" bridg: and a preaches thereto across the Missouri lhver at a pomt suita le to the interests of navigation, from the north bank thereof in the county of Sheridan, State"of=Montana, to the south bank thereof in the coun of Richland, State of Montana, all in section ° twenty-three, twenty-seven, range fifty east, Montana principal meridian, in accordance with the provisions of the Act

 entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges overnavis

gap1le_ water-s," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred an six. ‘*"‘°”‘*‘”°"°‘ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly mserved. Approved, August 11, 1916. 'T§l1iil1&s¥aif CHAP. 322.-An Act To authorize the SavageBridge Companytooonatruct main.

 tain, and operate a bridge acres the Yellowstone River in the State of Montani. ·

Be it enacted by the Senate and House Re motives 0 the United g.°·i] mY:°t°.;.. States of America ·i¤n_Oongresa acsembZd, 'lzhedg the Savjdge Bridge g•,gg,m¤;¥CQ,Qgg;; Company,_a corporation orgamzed under the laws of the State of mm:. Montana, its successors and assigns, be, and are hereby, authorized to construct maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto L¤¤¤¢i<>¤· across the Yellowstone River ataalhpoint suitable to the interests of navigation from the northwest b thereof in section twenty-eight township twenty north, range fifty-eight east, Montana I'l.I1C1 al meridian to the southeamt bank thereo , landing on Bear Iiislandp in section thirty-three, township twenty north, range fifty-eight east, Montana rincipal meridian, and from the northeast bank of Bear Island to Sie southwest bank thereof, all in section thirty-four, township twenty north, range fifty-egght east, Montana principal meridian, all in the county of Richland, tate of Montana, m accordance with

 _ the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to regulate the construc-

’ tion of bridges over navigable watc1s," approved arch twenty-third, nineteen hundred six. A¤•¤¤¤·¤°- Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, August 11, 1916. `