Keyport, Wash., naval magazine. Naval Torpedo Station, Keyport, Washington: Railroad system, $5,000; one officer's quarters, $6,000; in all, $11,000.
Kuahua, Hawaii, naval magazine. Naval Magazine, Kuahua, Hawaii: Surveillance test house, $3,000; filling house for explosive D, $2,000; in all, $5,000.
Mare Island, Cal, naval magazine. Naval Magazine, Mare Island, California: Laboratory and testing building, $3,000.
Newport, R. I., torpedo station. Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island: Seaman gunners' quarters, $105,000; sea wall and filling, $36,000; in all, $141,000.
Saint Juliens Creek, Va., naval magazine. Naval Magazine, Saint Juliens Creek, Virginia: Filling house, $2,000; railroad system, $12,500; locomotive house, $3,500; for eighty-eight acres of additional land to be secured by purchase or condemnation or otherwise, as the Secretary of the Navy may direct, $60,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary; in all, $78,000.
Puget Sound, Wash., naval magazine.}} Naval Magazine Puget Sound, Washington: Two filling houses, $3,000; guardhouse, $4,000; in all, $7,000.
Fuel depots. Depots for coal and Other Fuel: For fuel storage at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Guam, $460,000; for custody and care of naval petroleum reserves, $10,000; contingent, $30,000; in all, $500,000.
Melville, R. I., coaling station. Naval Coaling Station, Mellville, Rhode Island: Improve- ments to water supply, including purchase of land, $15,000.
Torpedo storage.
Former appropriation available.
Vol. 38, p. 935.
The appropriation contained in the naval appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and fifteen, of $20,000 for the construction of a building for the storage of torpedoes at the naval torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island, is hereby made available for expenditure for a like purpose at the naval coaling station, Melville, Rhode Island.
Naval hospitals.
Canacao, P. I Naval Hospital, Canacaò, Philippine Islands: Six contagious-disease units, $3,600.
Chelsa, Mass. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Massachusetts: Sea wall, $14,700.
Mare Island, Cal. Naval Hospital, Mare Island, California: Mess hall, exten- sion, $15,000.
Newport, R. I. Naval Hospital, Newport, Rhode Island: Three contagious wards, $18,000.
Guam, marine barracks. Marine Barracks, Guam: Three officers' quarters, $10,000.
Experimental and research laboratory.
Equipment, operation, etc.
Experimental and Research Laboratory: For laboratory and research work on the subject of gun erosion, torpedo motive power, the gyroscope, submarine guns, protection against submarine, torpedo and mine attack, improvement in submarine attachments, improvement and development in submarine engines, storage batteries and propulsion, aeroplanes and aircraft, improvement in radio installations, and such other necessary work for the benefit of the Government service, including the construction, equipment, and operation of a laboratory, the employment of scientific civilian assistants as may become necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy (limit of cost not to exceed $1,500,000),$1,000,000:
Continuance of other experiments.
Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as preventing or interfering with the continuation or undertaking of necessary experimental work during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, as heretofore conducted under other appropriations:
Statement of expenditures.
Provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy shall make detailed reports to the Congress not later than June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and annually thereafter, showing the manner in which all expenditures hereunder have been made.
California training station. Naval Training Station, San Francisco, California: Water supply improvements, to be immediately available, $32,475.
New York naval hospital. Naval Hopsital, New York, New York: Remodeling house numbered four, $10,000.
Repairs and preservation. Repairs and preservation at navy yards and stations: For repairs and preservation at navy yards, coaling depots, coaling plants, and stations, $1,100,000.