582 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. and charged against the accounts of the said James C. Hilton, passed assistant paymaster, on the books of the Treasury Department. H,,’,‘}}',f"”“' T" D' The accounting officers of the Treasury are herelg authorized and Omit i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤- directed to allow in the accounts of Paymaster T. . Harris, United States Na , credit for the full payment of the contract price made by him toilrames Morrow under contract of May twenty-n1nth, nmeteen hundred and nine, and to Carson, Pme, Scott and Com(pany, James Corse, N. H..Dow Manufacturing)C0mpany, The Snea and Companfy Iron Works, and Original Ca inet Company under contracts 0 March, néneteelrisiundre and eleven, pertaining to the naval training station, reat es, Ill1n` ois. rb¥jn¤{_1syt,§¤¤¤d H¤· That the President of the United States is hereby authorized to inétroxnotioh mm- cause Harold Harrison Little, United States_Navy, to be examined or pxromotion to the grade of heutenant (junior grade), United States avy, and subject to his successfully passing such reexammation to promote him to the grade of lieutenant (jumorgrade), to take glace on the Navy hst in such Ugrade next after Lieutenant (Junior rade) William G. Greenman, nited States Navy, who was the officer immediately above the said Harold Harrison Little in_ the hst of heutenants (gumor grade) at the date said Harold Harrison . _ Little became due or promotion to the grade of lieutenant (junior §f,°'{‘,:,‘Qh,,y_ 6,,, grade), United States Navy: Provided, That no back pay, allowances, or emoluments shall accrue by reason of the assage 0 this Act. ,,§‘*,§f'{,*ff,°°;,";“,§;f°’ Hereafter Assistant Paymaster John D. P. gloda p, United States “t_D•¢ed¤Ep¤¤¤¤m¤¤¤ Navy, be as having been appointed as an assistant paymaster in the _ nited States Nag on the same date as the ofncer _§§’f,_';'& pm M_ now next above m grade: , That nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the said Assistant Paymaster John D. P. Hoda p, Unitg States Navy, to any back pay, allowances, or other emdiu- _ men ti,E,;°'§$$;·§?”°h;;; Section six of an Act entitled "An Act making appropgations for KL ·P· ·’·¤° the legislative, executive, and jludicial expenses of the vernment for the iiscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, namely:" approved May tenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: _ stgc<;g}¤ =··¤¤¤i¤¤ r¤· “Sec. 6. That unless otherwise specially authorized by law, no money appropriated by this or any other Act shall be available for payment to any personreceiving more than one salary when the combined amount of said salaries exceeds the sum of $2 000 per m§d¤;,g_·v¢¤¤¤= ¤¤· agmum, but léhis shhaill not apply to retired officers or enlisted men of teArmy, avy arine C0tG d, to ffi mma enlisted men of the Or‘ganizedr§i1iii.a anadi Nai·1ail·Mii)ii.ia inOthe6d;v;i1a(l E,,,,,,,;,d cj,,,,,, States, Territories, an the District of Columbia: Provided Th t not de vedof » · · ’ 8. no m_ P¤ Salem such retn·ed_officer, officer, or enlisted man shall be denied or deprived 3.ii3“" si Z`$S¤.*’“é£;£“.f’¥0¥’..§°“’*"’“i".“°*°“is S“"*‘* °‘ °‘ ‘“"’ °"*‘°" of ag decisiori) or constmctionllclifcsesid gzigfoitirdiixlltilldargdi by mason New Flying Corps NAVAL FLYING coizps. , _ Composition of. The Naval Flyin, CO h H b ed f 1 I fifty officers and three lhxsinilrhd aiidjoglfggsemigtedninggn detailldild appointed, commissioned, enlisted, and distributed in the varioud Mamma t vm grades, ranks, and ratmgs of the Navy and Marine Corps as hereafter mwgm 0 ¤¤ provided. The said number of officers, student flyers, and enlisted sz: $31%; ;2*.:**S;zé;2,%’.;;:s2&%..¤¤mb¢s.asets md me r ro Yam, dm of Om br%_hBS Ofbghe ?m£1 Sergice. P V1 Y W for the other m_ · _ e_nun1 ro 0 cers etailedt d t ' mf vjng ca · flying in any one year shall be in ac?:0rIda5iid§ thialilevgiiimmetfdsuegf ,L’**’°‘¤>*“m_ the An- Service as determined by the Secret of the Navy- Provided That the officers so detailed from the line adtfythe Navy from the