586 SIXTY·FOUBTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. gow obtain inmtlhevi sio far as such ratings are apphcable to '*`“’“F‘°¥’ °' °¤““°d ulltilzhqiiintlhdg first two years after the approval of this Act enhsted mm mthmtwo wm men may be transferred from other branches of the aval Service to the Naval Fl Corps, under regulations estabhshed by_the Secretary of the Navy verning such transfer and the quahfications FWF"- for this co : Provided? Thati the number so transferred shall not umu exceed oneihsalf the total number of enlisted men allowed by this Act. Mmmm *° "° The Secret of the Navy shall establish regulations governmg mh the term of extment, the qualifications, and advancement of the enlistedmenof theFl` Co . _ _ _ minted mm may Any enlisted man wyliligpassrtg satisfactorily the prescribed ezramil’°°°m° ’°“°"'" °’°”° nation audi is recoxlumended bydgdboard of 0&0€·l'S may be appointed a student yer as erem provi . I zgixuinistmtien ol ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. US IW. Gmm ww my nr- Hereafter all officers of the Navy and Marine Corps who are author- - d“ntd°§i:i’.:a°’i"sz4, pp, ized to order either general or summary courts·mart1al may order ¤{;§{**·'35 621 deck courts upon enlisted men under their command, and shall have masked. p` the same au ority to inihct minor pumshments as IS conferred by law upon the commander of a naval vessel. _ _ summary courts- Summary courts-martial may be ordered upon enlisted men in the ’“"*’“· naval service under his command by the commanding officer of any brigade, regiment, or separate or detached battalion, or other separate or detached commsmd, and, when empowered by the Secretary of the Navy, by the officer or officer in charge of any gig?-1 .| I or command not specifically mentioned in the foregomg: Provided, That amps. when so empowered by the=Secretary of e the Navy to order summary courts-martial, the officer of a naval hospital or hospital shi shall be empowered to order such courts and deck courts, and inflilct the unishments which the commander of a naval vessel is authorized by law to inflict, upon all enlisted men of the naval service attached thereto, whether or duty or as patients. M’°'°“*°‘“"""‘°°· No sentence of a summary court—martial shall be carried into execution until the proceedings and sentence have been approved by the officer ordering the court, or his successor in office, and by his §;°"‘;g,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,; immediate su riorin command: Provided., That if the officer ordering ¤>¤¤- the court, or his successor in office, be the senior officer present, suc calm: ccmaw- sentence may be carried into execution upon his approval thereof.
- ,%,0,,, who mw When empowered by the Secretary of the Navy, general courts-
¤¤¤~·¤¤¤· martial may be convened by the commanding officer of a squadron, of a division, of a flotilla, or of a laxer nav force afloat, and of a brigade or larger force of the nav service on shore beyond the {;,'°"‘,,,*`g;, 0, W 3, continental limits of the United States: Provided, That in time of y¤fd8.¤¥·¤· war, if then so empowered by the Secretary of the Navy, general courts—martia1 may be convened by the commandant of an navy yard or naval station, and by the commanding officer of a brigade or larger forcedof the liiivy pir Marine Corps on shore not attached to a navy yar or nav s a on. °°“’°’ °"“°*“""‘ Courts of may be convened by any officer of the naval _ service authorized by law convene (general courts-martial. mg*O’f;J,;§,,gm$°P“· When a force of marines is embarke on a navel vessel, or vessels, as a seiparate o§anization, not a part of the authorized complement thereo , the au ority and iipweis of the officers of such separate organization of marines shall e the same as tho h such organization mguggmayvggdxgg were serving at a_navy yard on shore, but nolihing herein shall be mmm construed as impaxring the paramoimt authority of the commancligg officer of any naval vessel over the vessel under his command and persons embarked thereon.