Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/612

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1616. 591* pharmacist, pa clerk, ens' for deck or en ee duties, or in the lowest grades of the ggif co 2 Providgfulwiltlltttiilr, That those {TE; my M so warrante or comnussioned shalllmnot be deprived et the retainer ¤°°·¤¤°*•·*· ' patym;ll·owances, or gratuities to which they would be otherwise Men transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be governed b the D"°I""°*’°“’*°‘°°· laws_ and regulations for the ovemment of the Navy and shall not _ be discharged from the Nava?Reserve Force without their consent, except by sentence of a court·martial. They may, upon their own ,}{§}‘§,"p‘§,§’g,,’§tQ,,,"”§,”,;‘ request, upon completing thirty years’ service, including naval and ' iieet neva reserve service, be placed on the retired list of the Na ‘ with the pay they were then receiving plus the allowances to whildh enlisted men of the same rating are entitled on retirement after thirty years’ naval service. They shall be required to keep on hand U""°"“ *° *’°"'*"· such part of the uniform-clothing outfit as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. _ p iv . The Secretary of the_Navy is authorized in time of war or when a e:i»£°m°° in national emergency exists to call any enlisted man on the retired list into active service for such duty as he may be able to perform. tm While so emiptloyed such enlisted men shall receive the same pay P°y’° allowances y were receiving when placed on the retired list., _ , Q mini. nnsmvz, ‘ ” N‘”` R°“°"` Members of the Naval Reserve Force who have been or maybe ¤3¤.¤°°m¢°m me !°°°°' engaged in the profession, and who have enrolled for general p y, 6 . E { service, shall e for memberslup in the Naval Reserve. No D 3, 7 person shall be first enrolled in this class who IS less than eighteen 7;, ff; or more than thirty-HVQ years of age, nor unless he furnishes satis- AQ ,. Cl/217/¢¢¤ factory evidence as to his ability an character nor shall any person be appointed an officer in this class unless he shall have had not less than two years’ expenence as an officer on board of lake or ocean gems V°S!S°1S· . . . Active service lor The mmimum active service required of members to qualify for ¤mx,ee. confirmation in their rank or rating in this class shall be three months. Swim dma, wm The minimum active service required for maintaining the efficiency of a member of this class is three months during each term of enrolment. This active service may be in one perio or in periods of not · less than three weeks each year. _ s _ m,m“,m,_ The annual retainer pgy of members in this class after confirmation in rank or rating shall two mont.hs’ base pay of the corresponding rank or rating in the Navy, . NB", Aww my IITVQ Never, Auxrmanr RESERVE. . _ _ tu mun- Members of the Naval Reserve Force of the seagoing profewon ¤%'£” who shall have been or may be employed on American vessels of the merchant marine of suitable type for use as naval aumharies and which shall have been listed as such by the Navy Department for §se in war, shall be eligible for membership in the Naval Auxiliary eserve. mmm In time of war or during the existence of a national emergenay, ry°QZ’Y.l”¤1i’:°§¤ in persons in this class shall be required to serve only in vessels of e °""'· merchant ship gpe, except in cases of emergency, to determined by the senior officer present, when said officer may, in his discretion, detail them for temporary duty ebewhere as the exigencies of the service may require. _ qmumum um. The requirement as to qualifications of eflioers and men for con- §:¤¢*g_¤¤¤¤•¤* ¤*· firmation in rank or rating, and as to the maintenance of OEGIOQGY lll ’ rank or rating, shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy and shall be limited to the reqnnmnents for the PWPGY ¤r‘z¤¤¤¤·¤°¤·