Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/615

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594 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. required to attend, and a proportionate amount for attendance at a lisserlpumber of the safne, dping no case lesxaliin fifty perfcentum 0 said maximum,nor ess ant eminimum t num ero assem- (1 blies for drill, instruction, and target practice provided for by section V °°"" °°°‘ gms; hgh an Actdeintitlx "An Act to promot:dt}31`ebeEciency of this av `tia, an oro er pnuposes ’ a rov e mary sixteent . E°°i”"°°° dm" niiiietsleré hundred and fourteen, or dpuly authorized equivalent ci ut . °°°m°°"°"‘ 0 That noymember of the Naval Militia shall be entitled to the 10 yan roessionaym ancewi esau ar lL‘i}‘3.i“§§ "*‘£1l‘°`”°i'?1 ""°?d°’* iii "‘*“"tlL20*33S b°°“ -l?1“f1? "E`“‘°‘l u,?{,°{]'”°°° in V"` prescribx by the Segretary of the Navy, and until he has enrolled 1’°•'·P·f°¤ in the National Naval Vohmteers hereinafter provided for. ¤§.°$"§y§S§P°” That the cqzpsensation provided for herein shall be computed for ]<§uarterly peri jgnder such reggllatiicigs as the fS§cretary cg iihle avymaypresc11e,beg1nning e t ayso anuary, p, A und- July and October, resgiiegtively, of each year, in proportion to the °°"“°°°'°“ number of sa1d_assemb attended, and no compensation shall be paid to any enlisted man during the first semiannual period of any year unless he shall have atten ed during said period at least fifty E; centum of said mmimum of assemblies; but attendance at any _t ter trilumbeié of said tafisembhes said shag be hxiecdkoneg W1 e said assem es tten t ‘ , fourth_ quarterly periods ih computinlgmtlge cgrrilgceiigation, if ainny, Pima} (arpa; of due for at year: Provided, That when any enlisted man

  • ""°°'· enters into an enhstment he shall be entitled to fproportional comptetrzsactiion for lthat yeardif d e1i1emainder 0 the dyear he shall

a n anum erosai assem woseratioto m1n'1`m ’ not less tgianhthe {katie of tg: part of the year so sleirzaeli to the ;1vlilo§ year;an yven e _ enoanymansh th - OM mvm in penlslation, if anyht:1 he Ray be reiwitled Qheglxliérdetegmqihrgd plnaranus. m__emanner:_ provided rther, atperiosoan tal , éiutyxcqimilcnt to pla; aisembliesfhemiflilallleve garliciitlagly ee o,ecep osepeno oservice , 't' pg iiituge law; membgis of th¢:1Na\£;;6h:iHt(i;‘1i1;n;hbelhn011i’;. giilsitlhid e ame a as 0 oem an ggpo * ranks, grades, oi? rates in the Unitiild Statehnlllingy sind lligslirrine (lliimg pgzyslégmapssypznrdtlas isqervice in lieu of such drills, when approvedrllgi N n n _ e av . p1&$;¤é;m:u:d:;• dc;Zl:pne;le;r(;_ rplemger of the Iiavtahltiihitie. vgiiosis employed under a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',,,,_ _ m e ovemmen o e mt tates tte d d 'lls,

ll:;l»:i|§;0?1lQ1;)t(l;t·91£l?;d;'li0d duty of th¢;lNavall(l;{1ilitia, hel shilllsreclelive

_ __s aryorwves ewo ed h EMM ,,,,,,,8,, employed, in addition to the amaobunt rovidled foivgyelzlvli aswa xiierhg ¤*¤··¤¤¢¤z¤¤•¢ ber of ltglei said gtaval Prmridgd, however, That such attendance s not act i t' °d d shall he suffer demotion_ or l0§s6gi={>oIs£iti§§ dnurhilé or glznlalfhn l?;11'til1lll1l`l; ggnvgfdalig g1fa;rla;·<f(§D1ri1hta1y service when ordered upon special or Payments to be . ' me thm lx s , That the retam 'ded be ‘ gg. ‘“"’“lg'”¤ *.3:* exce§t as otheryvis(¢irab:iT*ep]f1?<lTviided,ato bliligleliglaiid gxilligtgdlinrhtiillgi Wl- 38-P·¤88~ they avaf Militia through the disbursing officer_ provided for under Fiicmggl :[3f¢;_I;r<gtha; set to prpngote $1% e§lic1ency_ of thi Naval » UTPOSGS, rov e rua sixt t , ` mm, ,0 mmm teen hundred fourteen, who shall be an officelryof thieexpa. dldiigs i¤s¤¢¤¤¤r. of the NavalM1l1t1a. The Secretary of the Na is hereb authorized to pay to such disbursing officer so much of thliyamount aippro riated 1-,,,,,, ,u,,“w_ Ziggy; out the paognsiogipf this Acéti as shall be necessary lor the urposes. en urs ‘ ‘ _ formance of their official duties `l11l1l5B(;‘ oi}·i31IeS1sai:s1'iIe‘dvl£ihHtTx:snS¢F>i:l1?etI:;§r!y of the Navy they shall be reunbursed for their actuaf and necessary