SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. 603 to be a rear admiral on the active list, to take rank next after Rear Admiral Walter McLean, United States Navy; Commander George G°°'g° N'H°Y.Y°'d‘ N. Hzyward, retired, to be a captain on the active list to take rank _ next ter Captain Llegd H. Chandler, United States Navy: Promkled, i:3¥S°-iiuiaiemm rt- That the aforesaid 0 cers shall establish to the satisfaction of the ¤“”=°°· Secretary of the Nag, by the usual examination prescribed by law, their phfvsical, ment , moral, and professional fitness to erform the duties o the-tireade on the active list to which the are hereby restored: .,.0 be uddmum, Ifromiled fab , Ttliat thedaforestgil }(:mCGI'S shall be carried as addi- numberstiona num ers in e gra e to w `c the ma be a inted under this Act, or at any time thereafter romogeds gran/idel)Z¥)_f(?urther, That No bukp"’m° the aforesaid officers shall not by the passage of this Act be entitled to back pay or allowances of any kind. Pnovrsrorxs, Navr: For provisions and commuted rations for the 1"°'“*°”• seamen and marines, which commuted rations may be aid to caterers of messes, in case of death or desertion, upon orders ofp the commanding officers, commuted rations for officers on sea duty (other than commissioned officers of the line, Medical and Pay Corps, chaplains, chief boatswains, chief gunners, chief carpenters chief machinists, chief (pay clerks, and chief sailmakers) and midshipmen, and commute rations stopped on accoimt of sick in hospita and credited at the rate of 50 cents per ration to the naval hospital fund; subsistence of officers and men unavoidably detained or absent from vessels to which attached under orders (during which subsistence rations to be stopped on board ship and no credit for commutation therefor to be éigen); and for subsistence of female nurses, and Navy and Maxine Ks general courts-martial prisoners undergoing imprisonment wi sentences of dishonorable dischage from the serviee at the _ expiration of such confinement: PromH , That the Secretary of the §g°',,,_'j'{,'£a,m 0, W Navy is authorized to commute rations for such general courts- ¤¤¤s to priwws. martial prisoners in such amoimts as seem to him proper, which may varH in accordance with the location of the naval prison, but which sha in no case exceed 30 cents per diem for each ration so commuted ; and for the purchase of United States Army emergency rations as ,,,{m"f’Y °¤'°‘¤°”°Y'°‘ required; in all, $9,820,900.25, to be availab e rmtil the close of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen. For the purchase of necessary additional land, cattle, and work ·*°°*’°m¥ animals, machinery and implements, erection of new buildings, 1m¤u•a¤¤,¤ec. repairs and alterations of building? now on the farm for clearing and improving the land and for all other purposes necessary for the comgete installation of the Naval Academy dairy and farm, located at PMN ambrills, Maryland, $100,000: Pmmkied, That the cost of said land mmaeim:. shall not exceed $15,000: Promiled further, That the amount appro- Advance to stm priated for this shall be treated as an advance to the mid- ’“'“*· shipmen’s store un at the Naval Acadeqigf, to be ultimatelylreturned 3,,,,% em to the United States: Prwidedffurther, at expenditures ereunder shall be reported b the Chief 0 the Bureau of Supplies and Acconmts to the Secretary off the Navy in the same manner as now prmeribed by law for the midshipmen’s store fund. ‘ mm Mnwrzmmon, Brmmu or Surrmns Arm Aocoimrsz For fuel; the ‘ removal and tzransportation of ashes and garbage from ships of war; books, blanks, an stationery, including stationery for commanding and navigatinf officers of ships, chaplams on shore and afloat, an for the use 0 eourts-martial on board ship; pourchase, repair, and exchange of typewriters for ships; packing xes and materials; interior fittings or general storehouses, pay offices, and accounting offices in navy yards; expenses of disbursing officers; coHee mills an repairs thereto; expenses of naval clothing factory and machinery _ for the same; laboratory equipment; purchase of articles of equipage E9“*P”°°°* ’“PP"°* at home and abroad under the coguizance of the Bureau of Supplies and `Accounts, and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels