SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. 615 Foaaen, MARINE Conrs: For forage in kind and stabling for public F°“*8°- animals of the Quartermaster’s Department and the authorized number of officers’ horses, $80,306. Comwrarrorg or quarvrmzs, Msnmn Cours: Commutation of q¤(l¥$$.""°°i°° °‘ ` quarters for enhsted men on recruiting duty, for omcers and enlisted men serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them; commutation of quarters for enlisted men employed as clerks and messengers in the oiiims of the commandant, adjutant and inspector, paymaster and quartermaster, and the offices of the assistant adjutant and insplectors, assistant paymasters, assistant quartermasters, at $21 eac per month, and for enlisted men employed as messengers in said offices, at $10 each (Ear month, $111,928. CoN·rmenN·r,MAn1Nn ars: For freight, expressage, t0lls,cartage, °°"“”*°"· advertising, washinfg of bed sacks, mattress covers, pillowcases towels, and sheets, uneral expenses of officers and enlisted men and retired enlisted men of the Marine Corps, including the transportation of bodies and their arms and wearing ap arel from the place of demise to the homes of the deceased in the Suited States; stationery and other paper, printing and binding; telegraphing, rent of telephones · purchase, repair and exchani of tiypewriters; apprehension of stragglers and deserters· per 'em or enlisted men employed on constant labor for of not less than ten days- employment of
labor; purc , repair, and installation and maintenance of
igplsillelectxic, sewer, and water pipes and Hxtures; office and barracks 'ture, camp and garrison equipage and implements; mess utensils for enlisted men; packing boxes, wrapping paraer, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, quarantine ees, camphor an car olized Ip-Siper, carpenters’ tools, tools for pxolice purposes, safes; purchase, , repair and maintenance of suc harness, wagons, motor wagons, armored automobiles, carts, drays, motor-propelled and horse-drawn passengler-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes, and other vehicles as are required for the transportation of troops and su plies and for official military and garrison purposes; purchase of ubllic horses and mules; services 0 veterinary surgeons, and medicines for public animals, and the authorized number of officers’ horses; purchase of mounts and horse equipment for all officers below the grade of major required to be mounted; shoeing for public animals and the authorized number of office1s’ horses; purchase and repair of hose, fire extinguishers, hand grenades, carts, wheelbarrows and lawn mowers; pure ase, installation, and repair of cooking and heating stoves and furnaces; purchase of towels, soap, combs, and brushes for offices; postage stampls for foreign and registered postagg; books, newspapers, an perio 'cals; improving parade groun ; repair of pumps and wharves; water; straw for bedding, mattresses; mattress covers, pillows, sheets; furniture for Government quarters and repair of same; packinog and ci-ating_officers’ allowance of agtgage on change of station; de orizers, lubricants, dismfectants; an for all emer encies and extraordinary expenses_ar1s1ng at home and abroad, gut impossible to anticipate or classify, $846,385. In all, for the maintenance of Quartermaster’s_ Department, _;g'§,,,,";'*°'“ *“ Marine Coizps, $6,389,513.71; and the money herein specifically a propriate for the maintenance of the Quartermastens Department, lvllarine Corps, shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law as maintenance, Quartermast2er’s Department, Marine Corps, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. umn my ne For the authorized expenses of the Marine Corps Reserve, $25,000. me Total Marine Corps, exclusive of public works, $12,088,380.01. ·*"‘°·P*“°·