SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 417, 418. 1916. 619 procure through purchase or contract any vessels, armament, articles, or materials, which the navy yards, gun factories, or other mdustrial plants operated by the Na Department are equipped to supply, such Government Iviliants are operated approximately at their full capacity for not less than one regular shift each working day, except when contract costs are less than costs in said Government plants, and except when said Government lants are unable—to complete the work within the time re uired, andp except in cases of emergency: Provided, That no part Jl the appropriations §§,°”°,§’,,,. ,,, ,,,1,,,,,, made in this Act shall be available for the salary or pay of) any officer, mi; ¤;*¤§ **¤¤¤·¤¤;¤j; manager, superintendent, foreman, or other person having cha e giiiployglicowwu of the work of any employee of the United States Government wli§e making or causing to be made with a stop watch or other timemeasuring device a time studly of any job of any such employee between the starting and comp etion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work; nor shall any ,hg§, *•"¤•’¤» ¤*¤·» part of the appropriations made in this Act be available to pay any ` premium or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except for sipggestions resulting in improvements or economy in the operation o any Government plant. . , P , mm mt That no part o any sum herein approlpriate shall be expended ¤¤mbi¤»u¤¤¤,m·..i¤r- for the pure ase of structural steel, ship p ates, armor, armament, or °i"°°"‘ machinery from any persorm, firms, or corporations who are parties to any existing combmation or conspiracyyto monopolize the interstate or fm? commerce or trade o the nited States, or the commerce or e between the States and any Territory or the District of Columbia, in any of the articles aforesaid and no purchase of R"°"i"“°"°“P'“’°* structural steel, ship plates, or machinery shall be made at a price ‘ in excess of a reasonable profit above the actual cost of manufacture. ,,,,,,,"°,,Q‘§'}‘°°“"`°°*’”°‘ But this limitation shall in no case_ap ly to any existing contract. ,{’:;@g·m¤Stm°_ The Secretary of the Navy is hereby directed to submit to the Con- tion simmer pm. gress during its next regular session a regort on the largest battleship °*°“m°‘ which can e undertaken in the United tates in the present state of the shipbuilding and engineering sciences and arts, iving due consideration to the present and respective depths and other limiting dimensions of the docks and harbors of the United States and its Fmhudmk possessions and of the locks of the Panama Canal, and he shall further report the principal characteristics of such a vessel, giving the displacement, cost, number and size of guns, thickness o armor, speed and cruising radius, and he shall further report on the desirability of building one or more such vessels. Appropriations me That no part of any sum herein appropriated imder "Increase of :$c}’°s_§,°d°,g*g{,g;,p•”g,_% the Navy" shall be used for the payment of any clerical, drafting, mic. inspection or messenger service, or or the {pay of any of the other classified force under the various bureaus o e Navy Department, Washington, District of Columbia. speenemmuieyrm That no part of any sum sippropriated by this Act shaLl_be_used "’°‘“D°*’“’““"" for an expense of the Navy epartment at Washington, District of Columliia, unless specific authority is given by law for such expenditure. ` Approved, August 29, 1916. CHAP. 418.-An Act Making appropriations for the support of the Army for the A¥iiluii.?i4lagi?` fiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other PI1l'pOB%. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ry" Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, ·*"“”P’¥"°i"*°"°“°· and they are hereby, apprpgriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat , for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen.