Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/647

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626 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. Ps . ¤¤·~. mw hi h sh ll h ve been on detached duf away from permanent stam°g` lion? or can diilt beyond the continental, limits of the United States or both, shall be known as field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, and shall receive the same allowances, except retirement, as heretofore allowed lliy lap to psy clegiiks, (guartermaster Corps, and shall be sub- ' cttot eruesan arti eso war. °°¤¤¤¤’¤*i¤¤· 16 For commutation of quarters and of heat and laght, $67,600. S*"°°·*°· ,· , m t Prmnkled, That said clerks, messengers, and aborers shall be ` employed and ass` ed by the Secretary of War to the offices and m£¤,d'g;*_ D°P•*‘°¤¤¤* positions in which lgey are to serve: Provided, That no clerk, messenger, or laborer at headquarters of tactical divisions, militagy departments, bri ades, service schools, and office of the Chief of tai} shall be to duty in any bureau in the War Department. §'§,‘§£€‘°"(;,,,,,,,», _ an.m·r.m·r enNnn.u.’s nrcrnrrunur. Department. For pay of officers of The Adgutant General’s Department, $100,000. Additional pay for length o service, $26,000.

 °“‘°"“'” INSPEGTOB ammmnfs nnrmmnm.

For pay of officers of the Inspector General’s Department, $69,500. Additional pay for length 0 service, $17,500. _ ¢<rp¤¤1¤¤d¤¤¤¤. conrs or nxcmmnns. Pa of officers of the Corps of eers, $675 000. Adllitional pay for length of service, $150,000: m2§f““°° D°¥’°“' onniuivcn nnmnmmnr. , For pay of officers of the Ordnance Department, $280,000. Additional pay for length of service, $60,000. Q¤ur¤r¤¤¤s¤r0<¤·p¤- Qvmrmnuasrnn conrs. ’°"""·’°'· _ V For ay of officers of the Quartermaster Co , $700,000: Provided (-·li>i>r<>l§§d Dgliiwv That tlie President of the United States, in hligsdiscretion, be, and hd ` is hereby, authorized to appoint Charles P. Daly, chief clerk, office of the Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, a military storemm www keeper in the Quartermaster Corps, United States Arm , with the }{_S,,sec.1132;p.I$, I'8.11_ , ptly, Mld 8·ll0WQIlC9S of B. C&pl·8.lI.1, II10\1Dte(l; and the grade of d military storekeeper is hereby revived in the Army of the United bBBvg°;,’,vg{_°’“°°”m°Y States for this purpose only: Provided dfurther, That hereafter the H. s.,s¤¢. 1191, p.‘212. provisions of section eleven hundred an ninety-one of the Revised tatutes of the United States may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be waived in the cases o officers of the Quartermaster Corps who are not accountable for public funds or public property. Additional pay for length o service, $160,000. M¤<1i<¤¥¤¤1>¤r¤¤¤¤¤- imnicai. DEPARTMENT. For pay of officers of the M di al D t t 1 Additional pay for length of geririce, ;g§0,§10l§)Il l 3 7800,000. §;¤t;=:iu¤;ri¤;;s.t Contract surgeons, at not exceeding $150 each per month, $20,000. Nmgpmps ¤ . One superintendent, Nurse Corps, at_$1,800 per annum, $1,800. fwuévygml mn Provided, That hereafter the superintendent shall receive such glslegvppies ofcquaggirs, subsistence, gndhmeglcical care during illness e scri m negulati t umm. Nurses (gmale), $141,000. OHS Y 9 Cmmry of WM"