Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/652

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 631 when traveling, and rgpair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances; an the necessary power for the operation of Hm www moving-picture machines; authorized issues of candles and matches; ' for furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of uarters for officers and enlisted men; contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quarters at military posts; for officers of the National Guar attendmg\serv1ce and garrison schools, and for recruits, guards, . hosgtals, store ouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost, %$i$$`;f m the operation of the Act approved May thirty-first, nmeteen hundred an two; for sale to officers, and including also fuel and engine supplies requu·ed m the operation of modern batteries at estabhs ed posts; for post bakeries, including bake ovens and apparatus pertaining thereto, and the repair thereof; for ice machines and their maintenance where required for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storage; rce for issue to organizations of enlisted men and officers at suc places as the Secretary of War may determine and for preservation of stores; for the construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries at military posts in the United States and its island possessions; for the authorized issues of laundry materials for use of general prisoners confined at military posts without pay or allowances, and for applicants for enlistment while held under Pmmwb ew observation; authorized issues of soap; for hire of employees; for the ‘ necessary furniture, textbooks, glaper, equipment or the post schools and libraries; for the pure ase and issue o mstruments, office furniture, stationear, and other authorized articles for the use of oiHcers’ schools at e several military posts; commercial newspapers, market reports, and so forth; for the ta leware and mess furniture for . kitchens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted men, including Fm. M n In recruits; of foraige, salt, and vinegar for the horses, mules, oxen, an mls ’ other draft an riding animals of the Quarterrnaster Corgps at the . several posts and stations and with the arrmes in the Hel , and for the horses of the several regiments of Cavalry, and batteries of Artillery, and such companies of Infantry and Scouts as may be mounted; for remounts and for the authorized number of officers’ horses, including bedding for the animals; for seeds and implements required for the raising of forage at remount depots and on military reservations in the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands and for labor and expenses incident thereto, including, when specifically author- ,,,_,,,,,°,_ ized by the Secretary of War, the cost of irrigation: Provided, That Lggpwin Sm Van the accounting officers of the 'I‘reasury_are ereby authorized and suspemmrrwm ¤• _ directed to remove any sus ensrons or disallowances in the accounts °°“““ '°“‘° · of Captain Sam Van Leer, &iiartermaster Corgls, United States Army, for expenditures made in connection with the estabhshment of an irrigation system at the Fort Keogh Remount_ Depot, Montana; for straw for soldiers’ beddingésstationery, tiypewrrters and exchange of aaome, includiing blsgnk lépso h aug} blagpik ormsgop the Qriarterzimastgr ,cer·ti cates or c arg so rers, an or prin ing e a - i. _ meld? orders and reports, $11,000,000; Provided That no part oi the mma ° appropriaggns fag- the Qugptlprlpiagter Cqrpg sgsgll be exrzerlgdedfon prmting ess the same s e one a e vernmen rm Hlg Office, or by contract after due notice and competition, except rn such cases as the emergency will not admit of the giving notice of competition, and in cases where it is impracticable to ave the necessary printing done by contract the same may be done with the approval of the Secretary of War, by the purc ase of material and Im uhm, Bm hire of the necessary labor for thepurpose. For the fiscal year ending napmr or mmm June thirtieth, nineteen hundr and seventeen, whenever the ice P'°‘“‘°“· machines, steam laundrres, and eleetrrcaplants shall not come in competition wrth private enterprise for s e to the public, and in the opinion of the Secretary o War rt becomes neeemary to the economical use and administration of such ice machines, steam laundnes.