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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/677

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656 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. . death; dispbility, or absence, then by the president and one other _ mem ero thecourt. ,.,E}’,?’f"“' °"" °‘“"` "Au·r. 34. RECORDS—SPECIAL Ann snmunr covers-ManrrA1..—— llgach specigll cpurt—martia1 and each surpmaryhcourt-mamrtixl shag ec areco o its proceedm' gs separate or eac case, w `c recor shag contain such matter an lie authenticated in such manner as pgayimbe by regulations which the president may from time c prescn . £ °" "Am·. 35. Drsrosrnox or nnoom>s—-Gnunnu. oovrrrs-M.Anr1AL.—— The 'u advocate of each eneral com·t·martial shall, with such expedition as circumstances rgay permit, forward to the appointing authority or tp his successor comrsargd thi original gficord ogstheg proceedings o court m tri o eac case. recor c such proceeding shall, after having been finally acted upon, be md trangxpitted toD e Judge Advocate Genergsof the Army. ¤¤¤=· " ·r. 36. rsrosrrroir or nnconns recur. arm smnunr mm coUk:rstmnnrxnL.—After having been acted upon by the officer gppomggg therdconpt, tire officer commanding fordthe time cing ereco o eac ri yspccialcorirt-martr1alan are ort of each trial by summary courtqnartial shall be transmitted to gmk gheneral headcgliarters as the President may designate in re§$_.Litions,- t ere to be ed in the office of the judge advocate. en no ginger of uae, records of special and summary courts-martial may e estroye .

  • "°€“*“"*¤ "Am·. 37. InnneUmuu·rrns——Ermor or.—Th o dings f

j,,g Y‘"°“°` court—martial shall not be held invalid, nor the iiindiiingswor sent:-inc; disapproved, in any case on the ground of improper admission or rejection of evidence or for any error as to any matter of pleadmg Nw _ rims. or unless in the opinion of the reviewing or coniirmin aut onty, after an examination of the entire proceedm , 1t sha me mm “’°é"’€" édttiit %?°’ §°mu%“i"°£ ..% h” ·i*·'i?.j‘2"t‘i.‘“""’ °§;°“’..,d..,.,"’”° ·susan1 g ance :r , a cat " upon which the accused has been tried constitutgs Odno ofieiisld bggmm 0, Wm }i)enounce}u:1hc;rm'?%:1;Itpv£1;‘1ishable by opetflir @$8 0¥ht,h?1SB1aaby(g;jc]cs;

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girly sentengeinof a cmiprt-martial gdjudging imprisonrlihent or rcoi; emeut s not e construe as d ri th uth `ti executing such sentence of imprisonmen;Bfporv]<l1<§niin¢:ame:1t egfntliiz power to require hard labor as a art of the punishment in any case_ where it gsm authorized by tile Executive order prescribing maximum punis ents. ‘ sc§b'$,{;‘g§; my Ws "An·r. 33. Pxnsrpnsr Mar museums Runes.-The l’resident may bly regulations, wh1ch_he may modify from time to time, prescribe gzrssrzsxsiz :221:1%:*:%. new °‘ M *¤ me beiorcnms - ,_ _ _ 1 , 1 ary commissions, t "t %~;,¤¤¤. tnbunals: Prcvuied, 9l`hat nothing contrary to orailncgnsildltent vvllh g,,;';$°“*°"°¤ *° °°°‘ thetsle articles shall be so prescribed: Providedfurtlwr, That all rules ma e in pursuance of this article shall be laid before the Congress annually. . mggtgggsxis ¤p¤¤ "1¤:. LIMITATIONS Urox rnosncrmoivs. Tim- of‘;Fa;rb lr&;1g·pnrmn.—Exicept for desertiog committed in time , _ y or mur er, no person su t t '[it l

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p,m,,,,_ t f h _ ·_ P9 s all WO yéurs before the arraignnesemm in aime of men 0 suc person. Provzded, That for desertxon in time of peace or P°°°°·°°°~ for any crime or offense punishable under articles ninety-three and Hman from ninety-four of this code the period of limitations upon trial and un- Uémn sam. ishment léy court-martial shall be three ears: Provided further, lzhat the_per1o of any absence of the accused, from the jurisdiction of the Lmted States, and also any period during which by reason of some