SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 432. 1916. 675
gggég Act To prevent interstate commerce in the products of child ¤¤ri§¤I¥>ef8;é4l§>16.
[Public, No. 249.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives o the United States of America in 0'ongress 'assembled, 'fhht no produfcer, manu- i}¤h#ri.l`g'}.¤d ra. facturer, or dealer shall ship or deliver for shipment in interstate °,§g*§}‘¥;_;';°”,,,*’,°,‘P'°°· or foreign commerce anéartrep or commodity the product of any mine ' or_quarry situated m e United States, in which within thirty days prior to the time of the removal of such product therefrom children b,§l;,‘§*°°" °g° ¥"°h*· under the age of sixteen years have been employed or permitted to ` work, or anfy article or commodity the product of any mill, cann , workshop actory, or manufacturing establishment, situated incfge United tates, in which within thirty days prior to the removal of such product therefrom children under the age of fourteen years have been employed or permitted to work, or children between the ages of foruteen years and sixteen years have been employed or permitted to work more than eight ho1u·s in any day, or more than six days in any week, or after the hour of seven o’clock tmeridian, or before the hour of six o’clock antemeridian: Providgd? That a prosecution P'°""'Rmm,·, I, on and conviction of a defendant for the shipment or delivery for ship- mmm. m°°` ment of an article or commodity under the conditions herein prohibited shall be a bar to any further prosecution against the same ` defendant for shipments or deliveries for shipment of any such article or commodity before the beginning of said rosecution. Sec. 2. That the Attomey General, the Secretary of Commerce, ,,,§;'?,L'}_§;’,,_'““"° '°¤‘ and the Secretary of Labor shall constitute a board to make and publish from time to time uniform rules and regulations for carrying ‘ out the provisions of this Act. I im m Sec. 3. That for the lpaurpose of securing roper enforcement of umr1¤ar,¢¤¤¤ir¤s¤£é.°°` this Act the Secretary of bor, or any person cfuly authorized by him, shall have authority to enter and inspect at any time mines, uarries, mills, canneries, workshops, factories, manufacturing establigiments, and other places in whic goods are produced or held for interstate Empbyus commerce; and the Secretary of Labor shall have authority to employ ` such assistance for the purposes of this Act as may from time to time be authorized by applrolpriation or other law. Sec. 4. That it s a be the duty of each district attomey to ;,,§§,'{'§Y°“"°° '°' "°` whom the Secretary of Labor shall report any violation of this Act, or to whom an State factory or mining or quarry inspector, commissioner of labor, State medical inspector or schoo -attendanoe oflicer, or any other person shall present satisfactory evidence of any such violation to cause appropriate to be commenced and rosecuted in the proper courts of the Uni States without delpiy for gre enforcement of the pgsnalties in such cases herein provid : PWM Provided, That nothing in t Act shall be construed to apply to Boys·¤¤dsirls’·=¤- bona fide boys’ and gir·ls’ canning clubs recognizedtpg the Agricultural “j““°ll‘°° °‘°"'°°‘ De artment of the several States and of the Um States. ut for M Sho. 5. That any person who violates any of the provisions of seo- mms. tion one of this Act, or who refuses or obstructs entry or inspection authorized by section three of this Act, shall for each offense lpéror to the first conviction of such person under the provisions of t Act, be punished by a fine of not more than $200, and shall for each odense subsequent to such conviction be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, nor less than $100, or b imprisonment for not_ more than three months, or b both such tins and implrisonment, m the _ discretion of the court: Ixrovided, That no dealer s be prosecuted wm, gm under the provisions of this Act for a shipment, deliver; for ship- shipper exment, or transportation who establishes a guaranty issued y the per- ‘ son by whom the goods or delivered for shipment or transrtation were manufact or (groduced, resident in the United States, to the effect that such goo were produced or manufactured _,§;f"“‘*°"’ °’ ¤“°" in a mme or quarry in which within thirty ays prior to their removal