Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/706

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433. 1916. 685 such order w nearly as practicable, and shall be paved, in the discretion of the commissioners, instead of being graded and regulated. Under appropnations contained in this Act no contract shall be p.]$.i'}.‘.i$.a$°' whit made for malieing or relaying asphalt pavement at a hi her price than $1.80 per square yard for a quality equal to the best Eid in the District of Columbia durmiig the years mneteen hundred and fourteen, nineteen hundred and teen·, or nineteen hundred and sixteen, and with same depth of base, nor more than $1.80 per square yard for laying standard asphalt-block pavement equal to the best laid in the · District of Columbia dming the years nineteen hundred and fourteen, ` mneteen hundred and fifteen, or nineteen hundred and sixteen: Pro- I,,_g’””,_,%;_°,;,,,,°,°d_ vided, That these conditions as to rice and depth of base shall not apply to those streets on which, in tllfe 'udgment of the commissioners, by reamon of heavy traffic, poor fonmdation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the hmit of price may be increased to $2 r square yard. Repave with asphalt the roadway of Tgvelfth Street northwest, from Repagpve 'rwelrrh E to F Streets, forty-five feet wide, and this width of roadway or less Sum ' is authorized for use hereafter on other portions of this street in connection with their resurfacing, $6,600. Repave with asphalt the roadway of Third Street northwest, from Btggggg Third Pennsylvania Avenue to B Street south, $13 ,800. ’ ` Repave with agphalt the granite block roadway of Seventh Street Sulgrgggz Seventh northwest, from Street to Florida Avenue, $15,000. ' For repaving the roadway of B Street northwest, from Ninth Street N§*,$’°"‘°¢ B S*'°°* to Twelfth Street, on plans to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $28,000. Re ave with asphalt the roadway of Fo1u·teenth Street northwest, ,,_,§,‘§’,°§§'Q§,t §f,$f"‘ from Il’ennsylvania Avenue to F Street, seventy feet wide, $7,500. _ Re ave with asphalt the roadway of First Street southwest, from St§°·;r;¤g$1¤ First Maryland Avenue to Canal Street, $6,700. ' For re aving the roadway of B Street northwest, from Seventh N&¤v¤vi¤8 B stmt Street to %'inth Street, on lans to be approved by the commissioners: ' Provided, That the one-half cost of aving said roadway between the §;,‘?'j,Qj,°,,;,,,,,, ns, north side thereof and a line twenty fleet therefrom and parallel thereto évugmgyw mike between the west building line of Seventh Street and the east build- °°°" ing line of Ninth Street shall be assessed against the Washington Market Company and collected as provided herein for assessments for paving roadways on streets herein authorized to be paved or repaved, $22 ,000. Gnannvc srsnnrs, ammrs, am: scans: For labor, purchase and “’““”¥· repair of cars, carts, tools, or hire of same, and horses; and labor of the inmates of the Washington Asylum and Jail may be used m connection with this work, $25,000. _ Cormnmxariox or smears, soans, arm ALLEYSZ For purchase or €¤¤·i¤=¤¤¤¤·¤¤ condemnation of streets, roads, and alleIv_s, $1,000. _ www M5 md Coivsrsucrroiv or smaussaiv soa1>s_: or construction of suburban ,,,,,,,,,,_ ‘ roads and suburban streets, to be disbursed and accounted for as "Construction of surburban roads and suburban streets," and for that purpose it shall constitute one fund, as follows: D Northeast. Rhode dlsland Aw?nugb0South Dakota Avenue to istrict line, ade an improve, 17, ; Southeast. grNichols Avenue, Fourth Street to Upsal Street, grade N‘°"°“*""“° SK and im rove $11 800* _ The Secretary df the Interior is authorized and directed to transfer ,,.,,,,,,,,,“""“",,,,,,,?,T‘{.;,,(,{‘},‘{, to the commissioners for use as a public highway so much of the ¤v•=¤i¤=- United States reservation on Nichols Avenue, and designated sm parcel two hundred and forty-three, one as ma be necessaiz to open Nichols Avenue with a width of one hundred and ten feet om its westerly line as now established;