Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/765

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744 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 458. 1916. States shall furnish to such employee reasonable medical, suigieal, md h°“"i“‘l “°‘$‘£°“ ““`i.ZI.‘*"’ii°i `t‘1“i“ h‘* ffd`“i.°` “°u“°‘€£° st°€“‘ Such services sup' sa e urms t y ni aes edi l Hi d ll 't ls, but where this is not practicable sllallcbe lmgdghedn by physicians and hospitals designated or a roved b the commission and id for from the emp 0 ees’ Tmspuuum for PP {Y K . mamma. compensation If necessary for e securing of proper m _ ncalf surgical, and hospital treatment, the employee, in the iscretion o the commission, may be ftmnshed transportation at the expense of the employees’ compensation fund. . _ _ _ ,,;;,,**;·;7—···=·= ** °··*’· ssc. ig. Timthailiieah miphs {gel: the in]ury wipiimtix yegrs the U`ted tates ato eowmgpersons or eoowmg $0ds a montlil cdlmliensation equal to the following percentaves P Y , . . 1= o e ec _ mon _ modiii df? JS c2”€.i‘§.‘l§.‘L‘£l.Z.’°§hZu bJ"§Z. "3$lf.`£§"¢*»‘§'é‘3.§l‘£ eks°§l3fL‘$ more than one year after the cessation of disability resulting from such injury, or, if there has been no disability preceding death, mbmmimes more than one year after the injury: gow. (A) To the widow, if there is no child, thirty-five per centum. This compensation shall be {paid until her death or marriage. I’°’°"‘“"" ‘"°°`”°" (B) To the widower, if there is no child, thirty-five per centum if wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee at the time of her death. This compensation shall be paid unf his death or marriage. P°"°°wm`°hmm' (C) To the widow or widower, if there is a child, the compensation _ payable under clause or clause (B21 and apldition thereso ten per centum or eac c not toexcee atota o sixty-six twogugumgmmm °°h" thirds per centum for siich widow or widower and childreaiil If a ' child has a guardian other than the survivm widow or widower, the . g . 1-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0, my compensation payable on account of such child shall be paid to such ¤•¢1·¤¤· guardian. The compensation payable on account of child shall cease when he dies, marries, or reaches the age of sig teen, or, if over eighteen, and incapable of self-support, becomes capable of selfsup rt. gm 'm`°“° (gl To the children, if there is no widow or widower, twenty-live Spr centum for one child and ten per centum additional for each ad- T tional child not to exceed a to al of sixty-six and two-thirds r °“"""“""‘ ceutum, divided among such children share and share alike. 'Flle compensation of each child shall be paid until he dies, marries, or reac es the age of eighteen, or, if over eighteen and incapable of self-support, becomes capable of self—support. The compensation of t a chil under legal age s all be paid to its guardian. D°p°"d°” "°"“°" th (E) To the parents, if one is whollyljcgelpendent for supplortnupqu e deceased employee at the time of eath and the other is not dependent to any extent, twenty-five r centum; if both are wholly dependent, twenty per centum to each? if one is or both are partly dependent, a. proportionate amount in the discretion of the commission.

,,,,0,,,,, The above percentages shall  (paid if there is no widow, widower,

M ¤¤¤¤ Mme- or child. If there is a widow, wi ower, or child, there shall be paid so much of the above percentages as, when added to the total percentages payable to the widow, widower, and children, will not ex- Oumdepmdmé NL ceed a total of sixtgaix and two-thirds per centum. sum. (E) Tpl gm (prot ers, sisters, grandparents, and grandchildren, if pp; guy; O1} gpzplilepteupon the depeasetg emplpiyee fgr support at , w n yper cen um suc epen ent; more than one are wholly dependent, thirty per centuin, divided among sulphudependegimtslgmée and share alike; if there is no one of them woyepenen,uoneo artld d , divided among such dependdlnlnsodlllaliie anyd slilaerld dlliliefm Per ummm