Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/809

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788 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 463. 1916. "‘”°§F,y,§,”°"° approved June t;ve;pty-second, nineteen hundred and ten, be amended so as to read as 0 ows: iiéivstikapuiq. "In all surveys forgl-five gallons of mash or beer brewed or fer- _,X;}&_d‘}°· P- 5%- mented from grain sh represent not less than one bushel of grain, and seven gallons of mash or beer brewed or fermented from mo asses s°‘”‘””’L shall re resent not less than one allon of molasses, except in distil- P 8 H leries o erated on the sour-mash rinci le, in which disti cries sixt P P P _ Y _ gallons of beer brewed or_fermented from gram shall represent not p,§g§;{“°¤ · °°'°“°“ ess than one bushel of grain, and except that in distilleries where the filtratiorg-sieratiogil ppocess is urged, wit Ifhe zgprovalhofghe Coinmissioner o ntern evenue; t at is w ere e mas a ter it eaves the mash tub is passed through a filtering machine before it is run _ into the fermenting tub, and onllty the filtered liquor passes into the ug}? "‘°°' 1"“l° lm"` fermentinig tub, there shall here ter be no limitation upon the number of gal ons of water which may be used in the process of mashing or filtration for fermentation; but the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, withhthe approvallplti gre Secretaryi of the Treasury, in oiider to protect the revenue s e authorize to prescribe by regu ation Smtmm ito bg mglde by him, suchl rgliaracter of survey as he maryhiind suitabld or ist' eries using suc tration-aeration process. e provis' hereof relating _ to filtration-aeration process shall apply onlyimtld y sweet—mash d1st1ller1es."

 Sec. 403. That under such regulations as the Commissioner of

R_ S_, ,,,,_ gggq, ,,_ Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury °°§*¤°¥’¤*- may prescribe alcohol or other distilled s irits of a roof stren h of 01.21,p. 141. r . dp . P gt not less than one hundred and eighty egrees intended for export free of tax may be drawn from_ receiving cistems at any distillery, or from sligorageftanks m a.ply)d1s1i11.ll¢¥Y zalreénouse, for transfer to tanks or tan cars or export m the ni tates and all rovisi ns f existingllaw rekitglignto this exportation of dizplilled spiriiph not ihcoiisistent erewit app y to spirits remov or export under the provisions of this Act. _rr¤m>¤¤aas. Sec. 404. That section thirty-two hundred and fift ~ii f th ,€£§,§,f';;_°;“°* "‘ Revised Statutes as amended by Act of Jime third, ei%lseri€l1u(.irdred ·v·¤ and ninety-six, and as further amended by Act of arch second, pipleteen hundred and eleven, be further amended so as to read as o ows: °*"g,,,““,,,”,°‘°“°E "Sec. 3255. The Commissioner of Intemal Revenue with th £`?;*gj¤—36 sgml; approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may exempt ilistillers ol .¤maaa.’ ’ brandy made exclusively from apples peaches, grapes, pears, pineapples, oranges apricots, berries, plums, pawpaws, ersimmons, primes, figs, or cherries from any provision of this title rel)ating to the Pmm rnanufacture of spirits, except as to the tax thereon when in his w:§,d:l,l;,,,:,,g,étm £112ng`r;;;;1ttu?*,c1r5p%gm me;-gedipnt to tgo so :hPr0l~;nded, 'llhaigwhere, in ‘*’ · cna swee nm as een t ' m°°' · the fruit pomace residuum mai be used iii the distillation ol? liigiigdgr as such use shall not prevent e Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the gipproval of the Secretary of the Treasury, from exempting inc? dist; er fitgm anytprowpsgi of tig? title relating to the manu- _ ac ureo spm excep as 0 etax er wh h` d d,;‘,?,‘§,,‘*‘_"°“‘ ‘° g‘“"° it may seem emgglgdnent to do so: And ov21);l4i]79zr(;}1ierl:1 Thlalytlgldgiig tillers mention m this section mag adilr to not ess than five hundred gallons (or ten barrels) of grape c eese not more than five hundred gallons of a sugar solution made from cane, beet starch or com sugar, nmety-five per centum pure, such solution to have a saccharine strength of not to exceed ten per centum, and may ferment the resultant mixture on a winery or distillery premises, and such fer- Gm mented product shall be regarded as distilling material.” mgm H, ,,0,,,, M Sec. 403. That distilled spirits known commercially as of not expo-c. less than eighty per centum proof may at any time within eight years