Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/870

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 474. 1916. 849 Township five north, range seventy-one west: Sections one to four- D°”‘*"P“°°‘°°'*°•* teen, inclusive; north half and southeast quarter of section fifteen; sections seventeen to twenty-one, inclusive; sections twenty-seven to thirty-four, inclusive; west half of section thirty·ve. _ Township five north, rang? seventy-two west: Sections one to tive, inclusive; sections ten to teen, inclusive; sections twenty-one to twenty-eight, inclusive; east half of section thirty-two; sections thirty-three to thirty-six, inclusive. Township six north,_range seventy west: Sections seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twentv; west half of section twenty-one; west half of section twenty-eig`ht; sections twenty-nine to thirtiy·three, inclusive. All 0 township six north, range seventy-one west. Township six north, range seventy-two west: Sections one, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen; sections twenty-two to twenty-eight, mclusive · sections thirty-two to thirty-six, inclusive. _ Township seven north, range seventy west: Sections two to eleven, inclusive; sections fourteen to thirty, mclusive; north half of section thirty-two; sections thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty-five. Township seven north, range seventy-one west: Sections one to thirty-five, inclusive. Township seven north, range seventy-two west: All of section one; east half of section two; sections ten to fifteen, inclusive; sections twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-fo1u·, twenty-five and thirty-six. Township eight north, range seventy west: West half of section four; sections five to eight, inclusive; west half of section nine; sections seventeen to twenty-two, inclusive; sections twenty-seven to thirty- five, inclusive. All of township eight north, range seventy-one west. Township eight north, range seventy-two west: All of section one. Township nine north, range seventy west: Sections seven to ten, inclusive; sections fourteen to twenty-three, inclusive; sections twenty-eight to thirty-three, inclusive. Township nine north, range seventy-one west: Sections twelve and thirteen; sections twenty- our to thirty-six, inclusive. All of township nine north, range seventy-two west. Township nine north, range seventy-three wwt: Sections one to six, inclusive; sections nine to sixteen, inclusive; sections twenty-one tp twenty-eight, inclusive; sections thirty-three to thirty-six, inc usive. Townshi ten north, range seventy-two west: Sections two to eleven, incllusive; north half of section twelve; sections fourteen to twenty-four, inclusive; sections twenty-six to thirty-five, mclusive. All of township ten north, range seventy-three west. Township ten north, range seventy-four west: Sections one to four inclusive; sections ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-four, ami twenty-five. _ Townshi eleven north, range seventy-two west: _Scctions two to _ eleven, incliusive; north half o section twelve; sections fourteen to twenty-four, inclusive; sections twenty-six to thirty-four, mclusive. All of township eleven north, range seventy-three west. Township eleven north, range seventy-four west: Sections two to six, inclusive; sections eight to thirty-six, mclusive. _ _ Townshi eleven nort , range seventy-five west: Sections six, seven, eigliit, and fourteen; sections seventeen 10 thirty-one, m- clusive. _ Township twelve north, range seventy-two west: Fractional sections nineteen and twenty; sections twenty-eight to t}m·ty-four, inclusive. , Township twelve north, range_ seventy-three west: Fractional sections nineteen to twenty-four, inclusive; sections twenty-five to thirty, inclusive; sections thirty-two to thirty-six, inclusive. 91890°—vo1. 39-rr 1-—54