Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/879

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 4,5. 1916. 859 Sec. 3. That permission is hereby granted to said Saint Louis, S°*¤* Mm- I*°¤ Iron Monmtain and Southern Railway Company, its succccgcm or ?£i?.i•i1iiiva;`iii¤§ii1§ assigns, to ggnsfer plc; the hgpnufzmtmeig Rt] way Compagy, its Suc_ gy exéhtzngsuzndgg FS of , 8 8 0 e S81 t1 e ts an easement °'“’°'°’ mu"! C°¤¤· granted by slgils Act of) Congress aplproved,EIg]ruary fourteenth, wm eighteen hundred and fifty-three, whic_ part relates to or aifects the eastern pprtnon of the said sixty-foot rig t-of-way strip, said eastern portion e1.ng_a tract varying m w1dth from a minimum of fifteen eet to a maximum of sixteen feet one and one-half inches, thereby pnalzling ml (l;i[tanufpcturers’ Raiilwa); Colrinpany to operate over said rac a ra a rac as a part o its aci 'ties. Sec. 4. That the respective permits hereby granted by the above ,,,§,,°‘,Q,‘¥*i°“’ °' °" sections two and three shall not be availed of unless or until the written agreement hereinafter prescribed shall have been entered into by the Manufacturers’ Railway Comppny, to the end that the freight service heretofore rendered to said mted States Engineers! depot, from said track located upon said tract or eastern portion of said sixty-foot right-of-way strip, may and shall hereafter be rendered from 30 switch track to be constructed bg ?id %ar§ufacturers’ Railway mpany, at its e nse, into said United States E ineers’ S yprd, for the exclusive Llflvice of the United States, nandlggrz Said ¤tglvri>i1i¤i1rg¤Y mm' anufact1u·ers' Railway Company shall enter into a written agreement with or for the benefit of the United States, in such form as shall be approved by the Secretary of War, obligating the Manufactu.rers’ Ra` way Company, within such reasonable time as the Secretaiiy of War may approve, to construct at its‘own cost and expense, and or the exclusive ownership and service of the United States, a switch track into or through said United States Engineers’ depot property, along such line therein as shall be approved by the Secretary of War; also to build and maintain therea ter a track or tracks connecting with said switch track and extending from the said Engineers de ot propgrty, to reasonably accessib e points of connection with tllie trac of, and for the free use of, the Saint Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and of the Manufacturers Railway Com any; also to erect at its own expense, on the south side of said lgnited States Engineers’ depot grounds, such reasonable gate or ates as shall be approved by the Secretary of War, if the latter sgall re uest the construction of such gates, and to pa and protect the lllnited States against all other expenses caused1b the removal and rebuilding of the paint and oil house used suhm to up nl by the Uliiited States and now located at or near Utah Street; all of by Seumryot R. said work to be done in a manner which shall be approved by the Secretary of War. Approved, December 21, 1916. .. ‘ ro riaticns to su 1 nt deficienciesina D°°°”’l’°' mmspe€ii$.i1‘;3 ¤iE.“¤i";$§.¤I°i?...“}“%.§l€‘.§,; Gun. a.i¤sti£’!¤“§$.?e¤ hmm ud BESZK {BED, SD? Of ot 9Y . Y · Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives _0f the United Y _ States of Americbvii in Congress assembled, That the followmgsums are ,,, "°""“" appropriated, out of any money in the_ Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes, namely: MILITARY ESTABLISHNIENT. M"' quanrmxunsrnn c0Iu>s. Q mc°rp°' For the support of dependent families_of_ enlisted men, iucludi¤g’ m me: the same objects and under the same limitamons specified in the •*°-