Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/921

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SIXTX -FOU`RTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 35, 36, 49. 1917. 901 State of Colorado, be, and is hereby, authorized to sell and dispose of mY¤°” ’°h°°lP’°P‘ and to execute a_deed of conveyance for block numbered one hundred mx¥61.m, p.317. and forty-three in the east division of the city of Denver, State of Colorado, donated and set apart for educational purposes by the Act of Congress appipved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy—mne ( entieth Statutes at Large, ages three hundred and seventeen and three hundred and eighteenl: together with the improvements thereon, so much of said Act of Congress as prohibited alienation or other use of the propert , upon pen t of reversion to the United States, being hereby repealiadz Provided, That all proceeds {,’*¤¤¤~~ of sale or dislposition of said block and the improvements thereon, purprliicsii? mr °°h°°l less reasonab e brokerage, if any, shall be set apart, appropriated, and expended by said board of education for the purchase of other land in sa1d_school district for school purposes, and the erection of school buildings thereupon: And provided further, That before such ·*1’1”“°°"*°“*·°*°· sale the said b ock sha] be appraised by a board com osed of three members to be appointed by the District Court of thelllnited States for the District of Colora 0, upon petition therefor by the State superintendent of public instruction, which board shall duly re rt such ap(praisement, after the making thereof, to said court and tmre recorde ; and no sale shall be made of said b1oek•and the improvements thereon for a sum less than the amoimt of such a praisement: And provided further, That such sale when made shall qxigpproved v;;gg;"°‘ ‘*°‘°'°°°¤· by the said State superintendent of public instruction ore any ` conveyance thereof shall be made and delivered. Approved, February 8, 1917. _ CHAP. 36.-—An Act Authorizing the acceptance by the United States Govern- F¤1¤’¤¤¤’Y 8. 1917- ment from the Kenesaw Memorial Association of Illinois of a proposed gift of land on (H' R· 95*] the Kenesaw battle Held in the State of Georgia. irubiie, Ne. sev.] Be it enacted by the Semte and House? Representatives of the United States { America in Congress assemb , That the Secretary of War Gfwmw bmw nom, be, an he is hereby, authorized and directed to accggt from the Amrgelggos or ima Kenesaw Memorial Association, a corporation organic under the °°“‘1’ - laws of the State of Illinois, a gift of certain lan , with all the im- - provements thereon, comprising a part of the Kenesaw battle held, said land bein described as lot numbered one hundred and sixteen and the east gal! of lot numbered one hundred and seven in the nineteenth district and second section, in the county of Cobb and State of Georgia, and upon which a. monument has been erected to certain organizations that participated m the fighting on Kenesaw PWM Mountain: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the neexphi. United States in carrying out the provisions of this Act. Approved, February 8, 1917. gg; .. ‘ ‘ 'zi the of rmitsto the committee Fsbfm-fr 9.1917- on imugdrilgcergidildhiggbglitdgnodcgzildsofwgie i onId$ the President elect in March, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and so forth. [Pub. Res., No. 49.] Resolved the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United _ Suites of Arivizznlca in Ckmgress asse·njibZ{d, Tqat the Secretary of War §,,,"§"g$_§,§f,f,’g’*,‘;’§‘,E; is hereby authorized to grant permits, under such restrictions as he idslesg 01 reservations. may deem necessary, to the committee on inaugural ceremonies for m.,¤u¤ii¤-ima the use of any reservations or other public spaces 111- the c1ty_ of Washin%f on under his control on the occasion of the inauguration of the resident elect in March, nineteen hundred and seventeen; mm Provided, That in his opinion no serious or permanent l11]\11'lBSW1u cmaiuém. be thereby inflicted upon such reservations or public spaces or stat-