Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/940

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920 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 71—73. 1917. F¤bmmw15.1917· CHAP. 71.-An Act To amend section one of the Act of August ninth, nineteen (S·5°“·] hundred and twelve, providing for patents on reclamation entries, and for other [run1s¤,No.¤m] P“*’P°¤¤¤· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,§i$;’;;;}_fg¤ gjgm States o_£ America in Congress assemb , That the proviso to section anger. _ one of the Act of August ninth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty- ,,,,:.‘{};,.,f" °‘ M seventh Statutes, page two hundred sixty-five), entitled "An Act providing for patents on reclamation entries, and for other u I) · q¤§;>,’gg*;,fu’gQ,,},“s‘},,§g puxppses, be amen ed to read as follows. _ _ romded, That no such patent or final water-r1ggt_cert1ficate shall issue until after the payment of all sums due the mted States on accoimt of such land or water right at the time of the subrmssion of proof entitliug the homestead or desert-land e to such patent or the purchaser to such final water-right ce cate." Approved, February 15, 1917. F°b”§°f&»1’17· CHAP. 72.-An Act To authorize the construction, maintenance, and operation ...;;L__ 0; I; wagon bridgékacrom the Saint Francis River at a point one-half mile northwest (ru¤u¤,m».s2a.] o ar n, Cross unty, Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cj Re esentatives ey the United gi¤i:i1é§,B.iiii§ States of America in Congress assembled, Tliizrt improvement district ‘§‘${j§_"‘°‘°’ "°" Numbered One of Cross County, Arkansas, be, and it is hereby, authorized to construct, mauitam and ogeirate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Saint Francis ver at a. point one-half mile northwest of Pa.rk1n, County, Arkansas, and at a point C suitable to the mterests of navigation, in accordance with the provm. s4,p.s4. visions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges gverdrpgvigalble waters," approved March twenty-third, ,,,,, ,1,,, mneteen un an six. L Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 15, 1917. F°°'°°[>;_' ’mi?f;1°l7‘ UKAP. 73.-—An Act T9 authorize the construction and maintenance of n bridge W¥¤¥€F=?»T‘ ‘2.$'§.$°.,'1"e.°.¤.S‘“'£$’$?.*.$§}X.°.£ ‘L°mn' ”°*‘$ ”’et..‘“°§°¤..¤.°°“ °$...,.°°°“°§ 2E'.“’5"c...‘°‘*"”°,m..'21 county, Arkénm. ’ ’ ’ _ O · Be it enacted by the Senate and House o{hRepresentatives if the United g¤¤yggh1;;;¤¢¤c§&;;;- States of Aqnenea in pZg§1'688 assentbled, at the county o Craighead, a»a,my mage. a corporation orgamz and existmgbunder the laws of the State of Arkansas, its successors and assigns, e, and they are hereby, author- 1Z€d to construct and operate a ridge and approaches thereto across Lwsam. the Saint Francis River at or near the intersection of sections thirteen, fourteen, twenty-three, and twenty-four, township fifteen north, range sur east, in Cranghead County, Arkansas, at a point gpgsgpmgt suitable to the interest of navigation, m accordance with the pro- ‘ '*" ‘ visions of the Act entitled "An Act to l’€§l&tB the construction of perggggsupglegdngxgtgzgplle waters/’ approved arch twenty-third, nine- Amndmmt Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 15, 1917. °