Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/962

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942 SIXTYYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 124-126. 1917. February 26, 1917. EAP. 124.-An Act Providing for the extension of time for the reclamation of CEI'- [S· 80**] tain lands in the State of Oregon under the Carey Act. Public, No. 356. _ [ ] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regrresentatives of the United 'l`)§cimextended nn States tj America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the g°gg§j;$*gc{**§§’ “”‘ Interior is hereby authorized, within_his discretion, to_extend for a ` eriod of not exceeding ten years the time of segregation in the Oregon V°l·28·P- m- Care Act tion lists numbered six and nineteen, the two areas Y _ _ s€€!`°§’* compnsing one undred and forty thousand seven hundred and fourteen acres in the aggregate, approximately eighty-six thousand acres of which are irngab e, same beinghsituated m Crook County, rrnnan, Or n: Provided That the Secretary of e Interior is further author-

°mm° I"'   grant to the State of Oregon a similar extension_of ten years

for the reclamation of said lan s in addition to the time allotted xmder existing rules, regulations, contracts, and laws. Approved, February 26, 1917. February N, 1917. -———-——— [s. sms.]

 CHAP. 125.-An Act To amend the first and seventh hsof section fo —

"’“b“°* N°‘ W'] ann hundred nnd fourteen of the Revised senses of the gnitegdlStates, as ameniltgl by the Act of April ninth, nineteen hundred and six. Stamboat inspec- , . . ¤<>¤. Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esentatwes of the United ml'¥"’°°°°"°° T°m”°’ States of Ameribid in Congress assembled? Tlgt the Erst and seventh B¤Y,;$éd3*» P· ‘°°· aragraphs of section forty-four hundred and fourteen of the Revised R. S.,'¤¤c. 4414, p. Statutes of the United States, as amended by the Act of April ninth, 85* nineteen hundred and six, be amended by mserting after the words gilaclirsonville, Florida," in each paragraph, the words "Tampa, on a," Approved, February 26, 1917. FEg"}“{,YBs”ig§’57· GHAP. 126.—Joint Resolution Giving authority to the Commissioners of the Dis-

 trict of Columbia to make special regulations for the occasion of the reunion of the

[Pub- Res-. No- 50·l Confederate Veterans’ Association, to be held in the District of Columbia in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes incident to said encampment. Resolved by the Senate and House if Re esentatives of the United }?0*g;*g;,gf°{B;‘°;‘gl§; States of America in Congress assemb d, 'lqlat the Commissioners of ans’ annum in. the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to make ,,,§{?,§‘“§‘,§;§,§,§,‘f“f,,Q*{,,fQ such special regulations for the occasion of the reunion of the Con- ¤¤¤Sf<>*· federate Veterans} Association, which will take place in the District of Columbia in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, as they shall deem advisable for the preservation of public order and the protection of life and property, to be in force one week prior to said encampment, during said encampment, and one week subsequent thereto. rnnnssmnn. Such special regulations shall be published in one or more of the daily newspapers of the District of Columbia, and no penalty rescribed for the violation of such re lations shall be enforced untilp five days hrighjglss 0* ·=¤*> after such publication; andu said commissioners are authorized and " directed to establish a special schedule of fares applicable to public Penalty ,0, ml,. convcyances in said District d1u·i the period aforesaid. Any ei-son tions. violating any of the aforesaid regglations or the aforesaid schedule of fares shall, upon conviction thereof in the police court of the said District, be liable for such oEense to a Hue not to exceed $100, and in_ default of payment of such line imprisonment in the workhouse or jail of said District for not longer than sixty days. This resolution p_;ggf°P'“‘*°“‘°'°*· shall take effect immediately upon its approval, and the sum of Rggizsrmm District $11,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable from any ‘ money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and from the revenues of the District of Columbia in equal parts, is hereby appro-