Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/1012

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. INDEX. 2173 Wild Game, etc., Birds, _ Page William, Flora A. (widow), Page- BPPYGQHBHOH for enforcing law protect- Wpension increased ... . .. . ..,.. 1425 _ 111% ----·- . . 467, 1156 illiame, Franklin,

 $1 wry M., _ 1448 Wpgnsion gxcreaseuc;  1585

--... . i mm, em- e ., Wildermufh, Williaim, 1433 Wpgusion 1520 pensmn increase ..., ·i iamg, , ,, Wglgnrrgrgi James A. (acm), 1566 Wlpind penguins 1:;, . . 1336, 1336 .. i iams, o n ., 1-V »:d¢i;K C'.a&.g!vw), 1285 wglension iJncre•;lsed ... . 1344 n cre i wm, ore us, warazra, William 11., 1539 Wygasiim inlcrgasedi; .. . ... ma nsxon mere umu, .,

 Ephraim B., Wgznsioni    . .;  1583

muon more , mms, um . aw , W{?1el{€8·BG7T¢, Pa., 1 nsion increased . - ... 1460 budge authorized across North Branch of Wlzliiarns, Martha E. (willow), _ Susquehanna Rxver at . 751 Wyennion increased .. . . 1279 Wilkeaboro, O., _ _ _ illunyus, (widow), 4 glrgvmprmuon for public bmlding .. 269 nsmn increased . . .. 1402 W` `ng, George H., 1551 Aéwidow), 1460 nswn increased muon increase Wgllcim, James, Wglelimm, Nathan, Wpension increased 1422 increased . ... 1283 illzim, William, illiams, On-in S., Wpension increased 1211 Wpension increased . . . . 1308

 ”.m.d“”’ F" me   *°"”,.,;..,.,d 12sc

o m nsmn me ... - `llza, R bert, `lliams, Samantha unklow , wiaengiog ... ... 1578 1 nsion ... { . ?. ... 1417 illametze River, Oreg., fhomas, 1454 appmplgmuon ger unpmrvement of, above 405 mninsron increasej ... . ..-- ortlau ... wms, ihomas ., - for improvement of, below Portland, nsion increased ...---···- -S-—·~ -·-- * - 1341 Oreg J; . .~.~...;»... . 405 Tboma•B., ?‘ ·· · · prehminary gxaminationi etc., oi, to he ... ·-.=~· ·-···· 1483 . e, orv to e, Oreg..». ea . - » ·*· ‘ Willapa and River, W ., increased.-.1_..: ...,. ,2 i . 1516 appropnauon for xmprovement oi; 0011- illaanw, Honorable William Elm, · emu . . 405 deticreucy sppropnsmon for contested Willard, Willmmeg., 1266 W_u_ egenses ..i...----·-·- 822 oumreage . . .. 1 101]].8, mm .,8f-,_ Jl? *****1. disposessed 1. ,..1 W*;·;r****e,:,*.,*;>***a***2¤k.,*~* ···· i ;.a.a..·· ***** payment to, or 0m , i mama _ iam . » Sherman Coun , Oreg. ... . 1354 Wpensxon increased. .’  ; -.--·-··--------· 1534 Willey, Nancy J. (widow , ·•ll·•b·m.s, William H., Ohm Volunteers, pension ,,,., . .. . . . . 1455 Wgeusion -.---··· · ··-----··· 1231 W'll d,Jh, {ams, `aam., Wgégzriou jiczeased __________ _ ____,,_, , ,.,, 1499 Wpgngion increased.. ... . . ..-·· 1325 r illhof, (widow), illmmoburg Iowa, nsmn increased ..., . ... 1374 condemned cannon granted to, , ,. ,.,,,,,,, 839 \71l,l‘lhoite, Tobias C'., Williamsbarg, Va., Masonic Lodge, ynsion increased 1282 Wrnfnusmxpgretnmgd to . . . . 1243 " ill' A.R ,"Steamer, i imgworn ams . namlgg “Fraeglg H. Peavey, " changed bo. 914 4WP911810D.:..: , . 1379 “ William T. Stycl. “Stearrwr, zllmnwop River, _ name of "Normania" changed to 235 approprmtgon for budge across, on Klamath 150 Williams, Achilles M., 1430 Wa _ Indmn Reeerdvstnon, Ong .. nsi increased _ rg Thanuu .

 Alfred P., · wyewpslcn xhcrensod  1 ------··.-- - -----·- 1252

w*?§’““i°“ §‘°“*“°°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M {,$,*‘.i"""¥i’,Z€a,Z’,°,°{;;.; ..,.0.,, wm Branch of W£;e;zg;1!:;8nin1:;t’r;l;1l.;ed__,,:, ,_ ,,.,. , ,,,,,,..._ 1233 g8Su,squeh3.nn3, River, to Duboistnwu 512 mlliams. Brvdyel E', (wrdvw), from ----- · ···-·----··-··~-------·· Wyensiou -. 1380 mzznmwwn, Ky.,

  • u1mf¢8. Qh'17l¢‘<’?/ ·d 1410 condemned cannon grunted to 833
    • 59 ·-···~···---·-······-—-· · · · 1* Hq
 We H., M **’;,Z;g,.,**,f*§,,**;,**;,,,.,, ________ _ _______________ ,.,1

WP°¥"“°“ ”‘°'°‘*°".d ····· . ··················· W ,;;,3, _;,,;,,, my °mmYw’ Ckmamm (wLd°w)’ 1256 payment to, for dispossessed homestead, WP"¥“‘°“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ shaman County cing 1354 zllmvns, EdwardH., _ _ _ ' Wpension increased . .. . 1545 Willu_Rgver, Va., _ _ m f t be _ · illiams, Eugenia L. (widow), prehmmary exammatucn, ., 0 , 0 407 1>e¤¤i¤¤ increased --------------·---·--··- 1592 mde ·---·---··-~~·--···---··-----