S1XTY·FOU"RTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Gus. 190, 191. 1916. 1305 Homestead entdry, Lander, W oming, numbered naught seven mm E- W°°dS°”· thousand one him ed and four, tiled by John E. Woodson on May thirteenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, for lot four and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, section thirty, township one north, range four east, Wind River meridian. Homestead entry, Lander, Wyoming, numbered naught seven “°“°"° G· H“”· thousand one hundred and twenty, Bled gfMabel1e G. Hays, on May twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and teen for the southwest quarter of the southeast auarter, and the south half of the southwest quarter, section one, an the northeast quarter of the northwest iuarter, section twelve, township three north, range two west, Wind iver meridian. _ mu Almndot Additional homestead exit , Lander, Wyoming, numbered naugblit M ' seven thousand one hundred and twenty-nine, Bled bg Morris . Alexander, on May twenty-ninth nineteen hundred an Bfteen, for the northeast qua.rter of the northeasléxguarter, section twenty-nine, township Bve north, range four west, md River meridian. In J mm Homestead application, Lander, Wyoming, numbered naught ”°°°° ’ ° sevent;%—one hundred and thirteen, made by Lawrence J. Kirch, on May teenth, nineteen hundred and Bfteen, for the northwest %uarter, section sixteen, township two north, range four east, Wind iver meridian. J Sec. 5. That the homestead claim of John Kehoe for unsurveyed ;?,{L}.t,aK°h°°;0.,ti0¤ lands near Tanana, Alaska, for which he recorded a location notice '•“°°°°°· Aulgpszéilfth, nineteen hundred and eight, be, and the same is hereby, va a . Approved, June 28, 1916. . . Juno 28, 1916.
&91.:r;Alp’ Act To a esxihangeof loéttengazuon nineteen, town- {s. ms.]
0 — V8 Il IIDQB OBB 'IID. SI1 D W , MDG IIIEI1. W ferldertaiix 'vatehndsneededinconnactionwiththecomu·uctnmof¥a·::k¤>nd1La·li1e lPm°°°’N°‘4°‘] Reservoir, wlynnring, andizrutherpupcase. ‘ Be itenadedbytl•e8enateandHoueeof Repru¢ntativas the United States of America in Oggress assembled, That upon deliv% of deeds gtkggsmiidmm conveying to the Uni States good title to certain lan near the "“"· outlet of Jackson Lake, Wyoming, needed by the United States in connection with the construction of the Jackson Lake Dam, and sought to be condemned and more garticularly described in the complaint on Ble in the case of United tates ggamst B. D. Sheiiield and others, now pendin®in the District Court the United States in and for the District of oming, then in exchange for such lands so conveyed to the United, States lot ten of section nineteen townshi forty-Bve north, range one hundred and fourteen west, sixth principdl meridian, in the State of Wyogiirig containing gipproximately twenty- one and thirty-eight one-hun ths acres, as own on the amended gat of said section nineteen, approved by the Commissioner of the eneral Land Office on January twentieth nineteen hundred and sixteen, and Bled in the United States Land, Office shall be granted and conveyed by the United States to said B. D. Slleiiield, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, and upon delivery of satisfactogay evidence of title to the said lands to be conveyed to the Unit States and the delivery of deeds conveying the same to the ggrgidstam patent to said lot ten shall be issued to said B. D. e . . Approved, June 28, 1916.