1326 sixrrrounrn coxennss. sees. 1. cn. 238. 1916. P9PSi<>¤¤i¤<=¤“¤d· The name of William Muer, late of Company H, Forty-sixth_ Regimmm Muon ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infant , and pay him a_pension at the rate of $50 er month in lieu of llhat he IS now I`8C01Vll1g.. Cham HWY- The name of &iarles Hasty, late of Company F, Second Regiment New York Volunteer C%vai1ry, land pay him a pension at the rate of S°"‘“"‘ M°"°"‘ $4'(I`hp:1i1g11i:)1leiti>1fuSali1(i‘1iel)l\l0i·:1)iowtj lltteoiil rC$>(ii1i>1a1§y H, One hundred and fifty-seventh Reg1m' ent Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a _ pension at the rate o $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Sm H“‘“°"‘ The name of Silas Hun ey, late of Company C, Second Regiment West Virginia Veteran Infantry, and Company K, Fourth Regiment West Virgima Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_ a_pension at the rate _ of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving: §§?§§·umpmm_ The name of Adeline Lamlpman, widow of Isaac ampman, late of °°Z1"*’3“" Gegmf°"1’%L%i.`i§`~.1§.g‘£’“%Egil%Z¤i°ii.X°h1i%£i{°”$$$.‘€¥; an om __ Cavalry, diid pa iher a pension at the rate of $12 per month. _ i,°i§'§'§l`§g{§LT”S°°° The name of John Maguet, late of Com any F, Second Regiment Ohio Volimteer Heavy Artillery, and pay lam a pension at the rate , d of $36 per month m heu of that he is now receivinlgin H°l°“ M' Lm ‘ The name of Helen M. Lind, widow of Robert J. ° d, late of Company A, First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now _ _ receiving. _ _ S°‘““‘“‘*“ L “°°° The name of Samantha J. _Wood widow of David R. Wood, late of Company C, Nineteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month m heu of that she is Mw F· W‘“"“°‘“ uO'l‘vh]e6i§1i-1];] Mary F. Wilkinson, widow of William Wilkinson, late of Company E,_ Third Regiment Massachusetts Militia Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she 1S Mm AA Putnam norirvh receiv1ng.f M A Pu d P
‘ enameo yra . tnam,wiowofJohn F. ut m lte
eommissary sergeant Seventeenth Regiment Maine Voluntiileii Ijnfgntry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that ,,,_mm_ Y e she is now receiving. _ _ I Anna si. keeselrmz. The name of Anna M. Kesselring widow of Adam Kesselring, late of Company C, Fourth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and rmmmmm,_ payvhher a pension at the rate of $12 per month. John w. mma. e name of John W. Flook, late o Company H, Twentieth Reginie§;6Ind1ana Vpllnnfiiaer Ipfiiiittijg and pay mi a pension at the rate mm, _ e per mon in eu o a e is now receivm . Mw ·£ <`¤¤*k· The name of Mary A. Caulk, widow of Jacob Cgulk, late of Company B, First Regiment Maryland Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a
- ·,¤.,,FS_,,m.a,.,.;_ pension at the rate of $12 per month.
<*¤¤·<’¤ <<>¤¤¤S¤¤¤· The name of Charles Copens ire, late of Company K, One hundred and surtieth Rggiment lgew Yiirk Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate 0 $36 per month in lieu of that he is now enie '. ami . r6cG1vmg° . D H H me The name of Damel V. Hamilton, late of Company B, Thirty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the MM Jomm rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receivm . R8The name of James Johnson, late of Com(pany K, éixty-seventh giment New York Volunteer Infantry an pay him a pension at Amin! Nu,m_ the rate of $30fper month in lieu of that he is new receiving. C.£¤¤.:;a°e..n.f2:.‘:$.Ns’2¤i “idn.°tRe“b6¤ tt 0* n o y- o e t - lgeer Infantryiland pay her a pension at the ra&1li?$20 peienrilonzhuiln eu of that s e is now receiving.