sixrrrouirrn conennss. sms. 1. cu. ass. 19.16. 1383 The name of Tennessee A. Blackburn, widow of Gideon H. Black- b`;1;$l'}¤°s$°° A- B'=*°*· burn, late of Company K, Third Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that sh; is now léeceivigg. I f C H FHS R lljgpjigpgwn my · The name of atrick cCart ate o ompany thegi- 1 I ‘ ment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, War with Sphin, and pay hinniwh a pension agtvigiael ratey of $12 per moigthil U d S M walter I mak. enameo ter. ,ateo te United States arine ‘ Corpls, United States Navy, War with Spainjand pay him a pension atéhe rate of ¥1'12kper month. d f J hn _ I t f Tm G Ti Quinn enameo EQIIIDDWIOWO 0 Qumn,aeo op , ¤¤ - E` hth Regiment United States Cavalry, Regular Establishment, ang ay her a pension at the $12 per month, and $2 additional per montih on actcipimt of leacilii of theftwo minor children of the said John Quinn` until e reac the age 0 sixteen years. , The name of Jane Ragan, widow of David C. Ragan, late of §;Iii»i1$i1;¤1i£¤iii' Company A, Fourt Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, War with l;4[e1xico,hand pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieuo t ats eisnow recei . C The nan;-i of Lurg W. Phrvlilreiil, wickgw of (3w`?n1C. Powell;} late_og L¤°YW·*’°"°u· ompany irst egiment exas ounte o unteers, _ ar_w1t Mexiglci, and ,pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month m lieu of that e is now receiving. The name of Margaret English, widow of John E. English late of “¤*¤'°* E¤8'*='¤- Captain Handley’s company, First Regiment Texas Mounted Volunteers, War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. The Anrame of Ezdward S. gafnister, 1%.vte of Cglméiany L, Siecondgtegi- Edwvd S- B¤¤i=*°*· ment kansas ounteer antry arwi ain, an ay im a pension at the rate of $12 per mcinth in lieu ol; that he lis now revmg. . cclfhe name of Margaret E. Caznéy widow of Florence J. Canty, late ig]1-g°gfn.cmw. of the United States steamship ahash, United States Navy, Regular Establishment, and pa her a. pension at the rate of $121fper month. O C R tt The name of Oscar Rottman, late of Troop D, Twe th Regiment Sw " ° mm United States Cavalry, Regiillar Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per mont . ,m r The mime of ivimis E. Maier, late of Complany 1;1, Fifteenth aegi- t...§i§’i&"t;it.‘2“· ment Minnesota Vounteer Infantry,_War wit Spam, and pay him a pension at the rateof $17é>er month m lieu of that he is now receiving. P I The name of William . Wittfelt, late of Com;{)anyuK, Fourteenili “*’,§‘§,§’,§’f;;_“·,,,,,,,,_ Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Esta lis ent, and pay mh? *’§.“§§Z“0?°1?.*LiL“%£§Z l’£t‘1.”E‘}“i—1la¤p i.,_ sms Regiment Fm United States Cavalry, War with Spain, and pay him a pension at the te f $12 er mont . _ mTiie nam; of August Gruenwald, late of Comprany R, Forty-fourth "“g““ °'“"‘“"“'°* Regiment United tates Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spam, and payqrhim a penésipfli at tgie ra£eIY;_$}1I21perfnipnt&1.C0 E _ uemdc A mm e. an er . is an a e 0 mpany Thirty- · _ ’ - sec0niglIRLeIlgi31ri)ent Michigan Volimteer Infantry, War with Spain, and mn pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per I¤0Dth. _ Pegg? yggrmat RThe namlgi cgi Clarlé Scemafllcf 123; 0% C0mps€.}r11ySC,_Th1rt()§-first Cm · M t an oun er an , ar wi pam, an pay hiigvilziiiinrensioiiz agthe rate of $17 per month m lieu of that he is now mgflhe naine of William W. Merriss, late of TI‘00p L, Nineteenth Regi- Merriss. ment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. _ Pemiousincmased The name of Frank A. Perryivlate of Company G, Thirteenth Regi- Frank A. Perry. ment United States Infantry, _ ar with Spam, and pay a_ pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.