Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/199

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sixrrrouirrn coxennss. sms. 1. Cus. 2.75-ers. 1916. 1389 CHAP. 375.-An Act For the relief of the estate of William D. Allen. ··\E1§E1Sé·2é6g;%6- Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re esentatioes 0 the United IR¤‘iv¤t¤» N¤- 114-1 States of Ameridb, in Congress assemblei Tl/ligt the Secrei-ary of the i§gmia:f1z]ib}i1gi:g'¤t Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ay to the legal heirs of William D. Allen, deceased, of Oswego, New}`Uork, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $320, for work performed in the release and rescue of the lighthouse tender Hare. Approved, August 21, 1916. CHAP. 376.-An Act For the relief of the Minnesota and Ontario Power Company. AE§lmIl.2iEd;l6` Be it enacted by tire Senate and House of Rrlegresentatives of the United ltIi,§iY§S?g,N§g§15$¤. States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretar of the fagghfggsr f<>:·¤g;¤gé Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the Minnesota duties. ° us and Ontario Power Company, a corporation or anized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, from any moneys in tie Treasury not otherwise apfpropriated, the sum of $714.66, the same being duties paid by the said Minnesota and Ontario Power Com any to the collector of customs for the district of Minnesota on lyfgy thirty-first, nineteen hundred and twelve, on certain boilers and machiner especially imported from Canada for the equipment of a steam bar e operating in the Rain River between Minnesota and Ontario, said boi ers an machinery having been refused for such use in the United States by the Secreta of Commerce and Labor, and at once havin been returned to lganada without being used for any piupose in the Ilnited States. Approved, August 21, 1916. ·‘*‘—‘—‘ August 21, me CHAP. 377.-An Act For the relief of the State Board of Harbor Commissioners of the State of California. [P'i"°°· N°· um Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tgiit the Secretary of the B b§%§,§§ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of mlggfigbgsemmtto any money in the United States Treasury not otherwise appropriated ` the sum of $199.62 to the State Board of Harbor Commissioners oi the State of California, for the purpose of reimbursing the said State Board of Harbor Commissioners for repairing damages to Piers Numbered Fifteen and Twenty-seven, in the city of San Francisco California, caused b the steamship Angpl Island, of the United States Immigration Service, on An st cig th, nineteen hundred and eleven, and on August seventeenth? nineteen hundred and eleven, respectively. Approved, August 21, 1916. c1-mr-. eve.-An Aa For the mixes er Lillie is. Ramen. "@§i£¥” Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Jgegiresentatices ey the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the rtymedem. ` Treas is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any moneys in thbullzreasur not otherwise appro(pr1ated, the sum of $97 5 to Lillie B. Randell or her duly authorize agpntt Provided, That before gggggm bond paying the same Lillie B. Randell shall de ver to the Secretary of the Y ` reasury a good and sufficient bond, with the surety to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, to mdemmfy the Unite States against all losses, costs, or damages mcurred by reason of making the said payment. Approved, August 21, 1916.