1392 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-rs. 387-390. 1916. 1T§f¤%·2}60gl¥- CHAP. 887.-An Act To reimburse J. T. Nance. ’ iP'*'¤*•· N°· m-I Be it enacted by the Senate and House gif Re esentatives of the United fig,;,§,,‘!,?,°f;.,,t w, States of America in Congress assembl , Tgzlt the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pity, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise a ropriated, the sum of $81.78 to J. T. Nance, postmaster at Harrodghurg, Indiana, to reimburse him for losses sustained by reason of robbery of that post office. Approved, August 21, 1916. ‘¥§?’il.”i6¤i%l¥‘ ci-rn. sss.~.i¤ Act rei are relief of as imma omni Reima company, "—¥mm., N0. my md f<¤ ¤¤!¤·¤ 1>¤r1>¤¤¤¤· Be it enacted by the Senate and House cg Re esentatives of the United m§§gg§,$;'°‘R°“‘ States of ‘Ame·r·ica in Congress assemble , Tiiyzit the sum of $100 be, mxmbmsménm. and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treas not otherwise appropriated, to reimburse the Illinois Central Rlzililioad Company for the payment by it of a line of like amount levied and collected by the Secretary of the Treasury for failure on thexgart of the railroad compancyl to clear a shipment of household gm originating in Habana, ba, and destined to Edmondton, lberta, anada, through the United States customs at Portal, North Dakota, it having been ascertained by the Secretary of the Treasury subseapent to the]-payment of the fine by the camer that the shipment ad been d y cleared through the United States customs at tlglloyes, Minnesota, and that no customs duties were due or collectible ereon. Approved, August 21, 1916. .4 tm mu. ER- 166*]-l CHAP. 389.-An Act For the relief of Fred Henderson. [Private, No. 128.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United ,’S§°dym§¤“;"§°°f§g{‘,n,u_ States of America in Congress assembled, Thgt the Secretary of the rhs Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Fred Henderson the sum of $43.75, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for injury sustained on the sixteenth day of Selptember, in the year nineteen hundred and six, while empkilyed lpiy the United States Government in the Government Arson at ook Island, Illinois. Approved, August 21, 1916. Au znme.
CHAP. 390.~—An Act For the relief of Theodore Bagge.
[P ate, No. 129.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the Umled gggigydfmu. States of America in Congress assemblei Tggt the Secreliary of the "*'“· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ay to Theodore Bagge the sum of $221.91, out of any money in theBl`reas— ury not otherwise appro riated, for injury sustained on the twenty- fourth day of April, m ihe year nineteen hundred and seven, while employed by the United States Government on the United States dredge Ajax. Approved, August 21, 1916.