1414 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 430. 1916. }f>°;:jg¤Nlf*,$,’,*;I°§,§$; The name of Joseph N. Murray, late of Company E, Thirty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the §;I¤sg·>gR8 um ratlehef $.30 peg gionghcinflieuhtg thatdhe isfnlgw reixgvilpg. lm 1 f ° ‘ W ‘ enameo ara . aw`s,wiowo anie . aw`s,ateo Co(1iupan);1B, Sixty-seventlli Regi1;n}>nt Indiana Vpllunteer Infantry, ,1,, mh, M, _ an pay er a pension at the rate o $12 per mont . gore: ig¤¤>‘·°d N 'l‘he_§na]1;1% of George Dotyélatflp; Cor(xipanyh}i;nSecond Regimept ew or eteran o unteer av , an pay a pen ion at the - rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Bridz¤tM¤rr¤y- The name of Bridget Murra , widow of Thomas Murray, late of Company G, Fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a Pension. C H pension at the rate of $20 ger month in lieu of that she is now receiving. I’°d°m° ‘ °dg°s` The name of Dodema . Hod es, widow of Henr Hodges, late of Company H, Seventy-fourth Rggiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Esgagmxgégaaa. anrcillpay her a pejisiptp gt tih: rateloi $22 Iger month.I E_ ht f th ·°· enameo 0 . e, aeo ompany ig y—our Regiment Illinois Volunteer Iiifantry and pay him si pension at the Bmw mmm ratieh of $30 peri goiéth inLl)i§:‘ of that] he isfrigw reclgivinggim 1 f ‘ enameo riget an,w1owo enry . an, ateo Company M, Thirteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now sm . ~. r°°°’“Dg· . . H Y C mm The name of Hem·y C. Jones, late of Company A, Forty-nmth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate p,,ps;.,m,_ of $30 per month in lieu of that _ e is now receiving, mm ’· °"““"· The name of Ehza J. Griffin, widow of William Gniiin, late of Company D, Forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and V, , E I payqher a pension at the rate of $12 per month. nlm °°°S` e name of Virgiinia E. Jones, former widow of Henry C. Smith, late of Company I, enth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and 1%,,5,,,,,5 ,,,m,S,,d_ payqlier a pension at the rate of $12 per month. S¤m¤¤¤ T- Muay- e name of Samuel T. Maxey, late of Company H, Sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 _ _ _ per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. “‘“'“°°“·B“"°"· The name of Wallace W. Bailey, late ori, Company C, Sixteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a_pension at __ _ _ the rate of $40 er month m lieu of that he is now receiving. “ ‘U'“‘“ "‘ ""‘°"· The name of Vllilliam H. Crites, late of Company F, Seventh Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at , _ _ the rate of $36 er month in lieu if that he is now receiving. ’“"“ P" °"’“"""" The name of Julia E. Crawford widow of Samuel K. Crawford, late iurgeon, Seventeepth Regipiont Illinois \;plun{.eer C£atii1a.lry,han<l pay er a pension at t ie rate o $25 per mont in ieu o at s e is now .,,,,i,,m_ receiving. ¥**“*’>”**** “°“*$“¤°· The nzhme of Taubyna Bourstine, widow of Simon Bourstine, alias Simon Bursint, late of Com anies B and C, 'l‘wenty·-second Regiment Ohio ‘VOl\l:Dl}B€T Infantry, aliid pay her a pension at the rate of $12
{ _ per mont .
l"""`“` md" The name of Louisa Snyder, widow of Wvilliam Snyder, late of Company F, One hundred and twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania gérggrgtii {mc- ggllirgteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per nemm- ` “The name of Margaret A. G. Macnamara, widow; of Daniel G. Macnamara. late first lieutenant and quartermaster, Ninth Re ent Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at tg-slate P,,,_,,,,,_ of $24 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. J•>¤¤=¤A¤¤¤— AIil`he psime pig? Jennie Al{§n,I`ll;;lglq§s and deplgndentlchild of Thomas en, a e_o ompany , eviment ennsy vania `olu te Heavy Artillery, and pay her a pensign at the rate of $12 per mgntliil