1430 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 431. 1916. S°’“‘“°'Sig‘“’“‘· 'llie name_0f_Samuel Sigman, late of Company K, Fifty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay h1111 a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ’°'”°*—‘~ B“°"· The name of James A. Buck, late of Com any D, Twenty-second Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, anld pay him a pension at wma B t theiate of $5% %<;}rl11honth3in lieiu of hhgg he is now receiving. m °“· e name 0 i `am ent, ate 0 mpan F, One hundred and thirt -eighth Regiment Indiana Volimteer Ingnt , and h`m a rmnm. pensgm at the rate of $24 pier month in lieu of that lf; is nowpflgzeiiin . smh ”°"° W°'¤°’· The name of Sarah Be e Warner, former widow of Philander Holmes, late of Company K, Fifth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer rtmim mmm:. Infantry, and pag her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. S”°¥*‘°°N· P*°‘°°· The name o thrphen N. Pierce, late of Company G, Thirteenth Regiment Illinois olunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the _ 1-ate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. “°"'¤°“· B*°"*¤S- The name of George W. Blevins, late of Company I, One hundred and twentyiiftthh R6%1Bm0%Ht$g%)lmmS Volnzhlteer pay him a pension a e ra per mon in 1eu 0 the is now H , » _ receiving. mm The name of Harriet Ross, widow of Samuel Ross, late of Company E, One hundred and thirty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu Namnvwgm of that she is now receivmg. _ I $.2 ¤¤m:m:*::.*a.V:r=;h¤» we 0* new **· Suatsaenz v , an a a. ension a e ra Lucinda 1 $3g`§1er month in lieu of that he is ilfovyv receiviff . 0 ` e name of Lucinda Goodall, widow of Richard Goodall, late of ?8¢;11np:fn8y1{B£YOne and twenty-eiggilth Rpgin;eg0Illinois Voim- _ an pay er a pension a e ra e o per mont in , A _ lieu of that she is now receiving. Hxghxwuny The name of Hugh McNulty, late of Company C, Thirtieth Regin;_e§?t6Il11no1s Vpllunther Inifzzrétrhyil and pay him a pension at the rate _ o per mon ui ieu o ' _ .,.,*2:;%**1 I D‘°f°°`f Th; riiame of thlcghert rh Di;fe`r}?l§I·f§1(;Wlz§;0§Edf1]C§>mpany F, Fifty- 0ur_ e¤‘1men ennsy v 1 t t , d him mmm Gemma pension attthe rate of $30(peil·nu:l¥0ntl)1lu1l1hl:}d.ofntll‘a1tIh5;> iglliovyigizeivmgé ‘ The name of Jackson ellinger, late of Comlpany E, One hundred gig; ]£h;1tyl—s;con_d Re}gt111henttPer;r§.yévm1a Vouiintehr Infp.nlt;ry,hand _ ensiona era eo . permon in ieuo t at eis . i now receiving. www L W ]S°°' The name of William F. Wilson, late of Company F, Twenty-fifth pcm Regunent Iowa Volunteer Infantry, pay him a pension at the wry.?-BmS_ raiéfvhof $40 perfnihnth gi lieu hif thati he isfnpg nglticeivmg. enameo ary. ilJ1S,W1OWO so Bk,lat f Company H, One hundred and thirtieth Regiment ,2ndaC1o1l1pan; lg, Seventy-sevterglh Reginhent, Illinois Voklunteer Infantry, and pay her l’•2t1,gionsincre?$ed_ u ODSIOH 8. B rat O t, _ "°h‘""“M‘“‘“*“““· ll`he name of Achilles M. IVilIi?1l)1lls, late of Company H, Thirty- nmth Reg1ment Kentucky Vohmteer Infantry, and pay him a JOM Rmmdsl pensnon at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Jonas Reichards, late of Company H, Seventy-ninth pwd up Reggnnent Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension ,m\;__<>S;Mm atéhe rate of $30_per month in heu of that he is now receivin . Sands DRIFT of (glnye Sanders, helpless and dependent child of Hiram i) cyripagig polgghgpahyf I,tTyvo hiundreill and second Regiment U Y f $12 Gr mouth r n an ry, an pay er a pension at the rate f amhne G. Eockel, 0 The game of C' . _»arol1ne G. Yockel, widow of Geo Y k l lat f gorinpany F, First Regiment Potomac Home Hgilgadls llhryliiril mzrmjser Ciwalfy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 pei-