SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 59. 1916. 1217 The name of John F. M. Burk, late of Company K, Twenty-ninth ·’°*“’ F·M·B“'k— and Thirty-sixth Regiments Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. The name of George Armer, late of Company E, One hundred and G"°’g° ·“·"”‘°'· twentieth Regiment ndiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving} _ The name of Beprjamin E. Hoy, late of Company I, Forty- th B°“l°’““‘ E·H°>’· Regiment Missouri olunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Isaac Sta , late of Company B, Forty-eighth Regi- Mc S*“PP· ment Missouri Volunteeerll&antry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. pmsm The name of Henrietta M. Majors, widow of Pleasant P. W. Majors, H°mi*’“¤ M- Maimlate of Company C, Twelfth Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. rmsm me-mea. The name o John R. Mullennix, late of Company B, Fourth Reigli- me R' M"n°”°"" ment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at A e rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivirilg. . The name of Elijah Cate, late of Company F, with Regiment E"’“h°"°"‘ Tennessee Volimteer Cavalry and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 r month in lieu of that he is now receiving. N H . ,PmmD_ Tliid name of Nathaniel Patterson, late of Comdpany F, Forty- seventh Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry; an pay hima pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. Cynthia A lvm The name of Cynthia A. Ivers, widow of Charles W. Ivers, late of ' Company E, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is 110W receivm . Pension. The namegof Imogen P. In ersoll, widow of Charles T. Ingersoll, I‘°°“°“P‘I“g°“°"‘ late acting assistant surgeon Cnited States Volunteer Infantry, and payhher a pension at the rate of $120per month. . rmimmmma. e name of Allen J. Phe , late Company C, Tenth Regiment, Am" Ph“"" and Comggily F, Fortyfxifth ent, Wiseonsm Volunteer Infant% and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that is now receivi . P¤¤¤i¤¤~ The name oipBarah S. Brewer, widow of Oliver Brewer, late of S°°°°S‘ B”w°r‘ Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment, and Company G, One hundred and eighty-seventh Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, and payhher a pension at the rate of $12(per month. Pensions ,¤c,.,md_ e name of Catharine Bucher, wi ow of Joseph L. Bucher, late of <>¤¢1¤¤i¤• Bucher. Company E, Seventy-eighth Regiment, and Cimfpany K, One hundred and second Regiment, ew York Volunteer antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 pr month in lieu of that she is now receiving. The name of Jennie E. Nelson, widow of Edward Nelson, late of ’“““’ E N°”°”· Company D, Sixtieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death of Ida {,’°,,'f$·,,, ms, ,,,, Nelson, hellpless and dependent daughter of said Edward Nelson and ¤¤*¤<>¤¢¤i¥¤· Jennie E. elson, the additional Eernsion herein granted shall cease and determine: And providedfurt , That in the event of the death d§,°,‘j";f}",§,,§,°,,§,}f“" °" of J enme_ E. Nelson, the name of said Ida Nelson shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pensjpn the rage glf EQ2 per month from and after the date of eatosai ennie . e n. The name of Pheoby J. Streeter, widow of Andrew J. Streeter, late Yh•°"Y ’·S°”°‘“· of Company K, Seventh Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and · pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she isnow reci . The name oi Viola R. Braekett, widow of George Brackett late “°’*B·”"‘°*“'“· captain of the hold, United States ships Antona and Kenneheck,