sixrrronnrn coxonnss. sooo. II. Ch. 158. 1917. 1533 The name of Robert B. Tozer, late of Company D, One hundred R°b°'* B·T°"'· and eighty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a_ pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Albert Platt, late of Comggifny E, One hundred and ‘*“’°'* P‘““· seventy-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer antry and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now recei . 'llliiigname of Thomas B. McC1ane, late of Company D, Eighteenth T"°‘"°S B· “°°'°°°· Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at the rate of $21 per month in lieu of that he is -now receivinrrg`; _ The name of John W. Fults, late of Company D, enty-second "’*‘““· F““$· Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, an pay him a pension at the rate of $36 er month in lieu of that he is now receiv1n.§ _ The name of Collingwood Boulter, late of Company , First t,,E°H“‘g°'°°d B°"" Regiment Colorado Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ The name of Lena Hilker, helpless and dependent chil of Frederick i),§{",§.“§fik.,,_ Hilker, late of Company D, Twenty-fointh Regiment Wisconsin Volurgzeer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per mont . _ _ The name of Stephen F. Cassaday late of Company C, Fifty- §§,'§‘i§‘§’,§s"iiY'°“(?§,*ig,. second Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pen- day- ` sion at the rate of $30 er month in lieu of that he is now receiving. P _ The name of Jesse Price, late of Com any G, Tenth R;-igiment J”s° "°°‘ United States Colored Infantry, and payhim a pension at e rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now recei . mh Gl The name of Andrew Glenn, late of CompanyvBnT)ne lnmdred and ‘ W °m twenty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a_ pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. rho moo or Joseph E. Stafford, late of Company D, sovooai nogi. '°·•¤“ E- S"*”°"‘ ment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at the rate of $36fper month in lieu of that he is now The name o Emaline Catherine Lindner, hel less and dependent §‘}§°,,,j",§§ C,,b,,,,,, child of Samuel Lindner, late of Company D, If<`ifty-first Regiment I·i¤<1¤¤r· Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. The name of William H. Banks, late a hospital steward, United $°€{{§‘,f§},‘}S,‘{}‘{,*§,‘§§f§g States Arm , and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of thathe is now receiving. H _(_ B V The name of Henry C. Bowers, late of Company B, Fifteenth °°" ° °"°”` Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Cm, V _ The name of Charles Van Auker, late of Company E, One hundred °s °° "“"” and fifty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of £$3%)Vper month in lieu of that he is now receiving. F re W H h The name of George . Flasher, late of Company B, One hundred '°°“’ °S "' and thirty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . _ The name of Josiah S ioemaker, late of Company E, Thirteenéi J°““h Sh°°"“"""‘ Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Om) G Hmphm The name of Otto G. Hauschildt, late of Company E, Twentieth ` Regiment New York State Militia Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 er month in lieu of that e is now receivu:` _ Y The name of geo e Huffman, late of Company O, F` ty-third G°°"g° Hmfum Regiment Indiana. Vtgunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.