Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/411

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 1603 POST OFFICE APPROPRIATION BILL. ¤¤1v19,1916- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) That m` com M" Hmm 7 in the enrollment of the bill (H. R. 10484) entitled "An Act making militia iid? CPM appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the ,,,Y,§‘,§",,,,‘@°,§',‘,?§’,,‘,§‘,;{$i“ fiscal {ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and Ame. p·41z for other purposes/’ the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to strike out the word "chairs" on page 26, line 19, of said bill, and to insert in lieu thereof the word "chains"; and further to strike out in amendment numbered 54 the word "circuit" whenever it precedes "court of appeals" in said amendment. At the end of Senate amendment numbered 29, restore the following13hProvided further, at the Clerk be directed and authorized to renumber the sections of the bill in numerical order; and, also, to insert at the beginning of the last paragraph of the said bill the following: Sec. 6. Passed, July 19, 1916. BRIDGE, BAYoU BARTHoLoMEw. my ¤>·1°1¤- Resolved by the House of Re csentatbves (the Senate concurring), That [H' cm M" No` wl the Speaker ot the House of Representatives and the President of the u]§i,§’,§'f,;,?°"°“ B"` Senate be, and they are hereb , requested to cancel their respective tu§:1¤°g}1¤*i°¤°*S*§:;¤5 signatures to the enrolled bill (Il. R. 12197) entitled "A11 Act authoriz- President tim soma ing Ashley County, Arkansas, to construct a bridge across Bayou '°q“°“°°‘ Bartholomew ;’ ’ That, u n the cancellation of said signatures, the Clerk be directed ,.,,,,R§f"°u'°"" dl to re—em·olil0said bill with amendments as follows: On page one, line -***-1*- *°°“~ eight, strike out the word "five" and insert in lieu thereof the word m,,p_“5_ " our"; in line nine, strike out the word "four" and insert in lieu thereof the word "5ve". Passed, July 26, 1916. STATUE OF ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE. I1-1lY29» 1916- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring) , That [S' cm M" N°' M the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, resented by the State of North B§§*§‘{}’,,,§§_ z°b“l°“ Carolina to be placed in Statua%Hall, is acce ted in the name of the th$::s•·g{¤C¤¤•>» ***1% United States, and that the than of Congress he tendered to the State North ewan. al. of North Carolina for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the purpose of his life and his distinguished services to the State and ation. Second. That a co y of these resolutions, suitably engfossed and duly authenticated, lie transmitted to the governor of e State of North Carolina. Passed, July 29, 1916. STATUE or ZEBULON BAIRD VANGE. my 29,1*16- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That (S` at R°s" °;5'] there be printed and bound, uréder the grrection of the;1 Joint Soap- B$§’{{‘€?.m§§, °° °“ mittee on Printin , the rocee ings in ll ess, toget er wit the P'°°°°‘*‘;§" °° “°‘ proceedings at the unveiling in Statuary Hglll, upon the acceptance iiiiix mud of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance presented by the State of North Carolina, sixteen thousand five hundred copies, with suitable illustration, of which five thousand shall be for the use of the Senate and ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaininv one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distrilyution of the Senators and Representatives in Congrem from the State of North Carolina. Passed, July 29, 1916. 102620°—vor. 39-rr 2-27