1618 T1iEATY—1TALY—rEA0E. MAY 5, 1914. ¥¤Y5·*°** Treat between the United States and Italy for the advancement of general, . Signed at Washington, Ma 5, 1914; ratyication advised by the Senate, August 13, 1914; ratyiedl by the Presutent, March 17, 1915; ratiyied biéitaly, November 29, 1914; ratificatians exchanged at Washington, ch 19, 1915; proclaimed, March 24, 1.915. BY THE PBEsu>mN·r or THE UNITED STATES or Amnmos. A PROCLAMATION. G¤¤•rn!I£¤¤¤¤,It¤ly. Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and P"“"° ‘ Italy looking to the advancement of the cause of general peace, was concluded and by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the iift day of May, one thousand mne hundred and fourteen, the original of which Treagg, being in the English and Italian languages, is word for word as f ows: <>¤¤¢¤¤¤¤s Paws The President of the United H Presidente ti Uniti States of America and His Maj- d'America e Sua ta il Re esty the King of Ita&Bbeing1Sde· d’Italia, essendo desiderosi di sirous to strengthen bon of nnforzare i vincoli d’amicizia che amity that bind the two coun- congiungono i due Paesi, nonche ,tries, and also to advance the dipromuovere la causa della pace cause of general peace, have re- generale, hanno risolto di addisolved to enter into a treaty for venire ad un Trattato per tali those purposes, and to that end intenti ed a questo fine hanno have appointed as their Plenipo- nominate come loro Plcnipotententianes: ziari: P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤~¤¢¤¤r¤·¤- The President of the United Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti States of America, the Honorable d'America: 1’On0revo1e William William Jennings Bryan, Score- Jennings Bryan, Segretario di mg of State; and State; e is Mafesty the King of Italy, Sua Maesta il Re d’Italia: Sua His Exce lency the Marquis Cu- Eccellenza il Marchese Cusani sani Confalonieri, Commander of Confalonieri, Commendatore dell'- the Order of Saint Maurice and Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Laz- Saint Lazarus, Grand Cordon of zaro, Gran Cordone dell’Ordine the Order of the Crown of Italy, della Corona d’Ita.lia, ecc., Suo etc., His Ambassador Extraor— Ambasciatore Straordinario e dinary and Plenipotentiary at Plenipotenziario a Washington; Washington; Who, after having communi- i quali, dopo essersi reciprocacated to each other their respec— mente comunicati i loro rispettivi t1ve full powers, found to be in pieni poteri, trovandoli in debita proper form, have agreed upon orma, hanno convenuto sugli arthe following articles: ticoli seguenti: ARTICLE I. Anrrrcono I. m}§{§d°'{'g°;°*gg‘g,j,Q,2·_ The High Contracting Parties Le Alte Parti Contraentisim- 3.:1. ter mvmuaum engage to submit for investigation pegnano a. sottomettere, per mchi- ""°"‘ an report to aCommission, to be esta e rapporto, ad una Commisconstituted according to the pro- sione da costituirsi secondo le visions of the following Article, all disposizioni dell’articolo seguente, differences of whatever nature tutte le divergenze di qualsiasi they may be which may occur be- nature che vengano a sorgere fra tween them wluchcannotbeconr Esse e che non possano essere