CANAL ooNvEN*r1oN—moARAeUA, Aoousr 5, 1914. 1661 Convention between the United States and Nicaragua ceding rights or A‘*¥“*5·19“· construction if ship canal by Nicaraguan route, etc. Signed! at Washington, ugust 5, 1914; ratification advised by the Senate, with amendments, February 18, 1916; ratyied by Nicaragua, April 13, 1916; ratified the President, June 19, 1916; ratiyications exchanged at Washington, June 22, 1916; proclaimed, June 24, 1916. Br rmi: PnEsmEN·r on um Umrnn STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and ziigiaiviitiiziadngiilnl the Republic of Nicaragua granting to the United States the exclusive P'°°'“"‘°· proprietary rliights for the construction and 0 eration of an interoceanic canal by a icaraguan route, the lease of) certain islands, and the right to establish a naval base on the Gulf of Fonseca, was concluded and sigped by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the fift day of Aragust, one thousand nine hrmdred and fourteen, the original of which onvention, being in the Eplglish and Spanish languages is, as amended by the Senate of the nited States, word for wor asfollows: The Government of the United El Gobierno de los Estados °°““`“°““g P°"'°”· States of America and the Gov- Unidos y el Gobierno de Nicaraernment of Nicaragua being ani- Eua estando animados del deseo mated by the desire tostrengthen e fortalecer su antigua ‘cortheir ancient and cordial friend- dial amistad por medio de ll;. mas ship by the most sincere coop- smcera cooperacion para todos eration for all purposes of their los objetos de su mutua venta`a mutual advantage and mterest é interés; y de proveer para la and to provide or the possible gosible y futura construccion future construction of an inter- e un canal interoceanico por la oceanic shi canal by way of the via del rio San Juan y el Gran San Juan Eltiver and the great Lago de Nicaragua, 6 por cual- Lake of Nicaragua, or by any §u1er ruta sobre el territorie de route over Nicacaguan territory, icaragua, cuandoquiera ue el whenever the construction of Gobierno de los Estados Unidos such canal shall be deemed by juzgue la construccion de dicho the Government of the United canal conducente a los intereses States conducive to the interests de ambos paises; y el Gobierno of both countries, and the Govern- de Nicaragua, deseando facilitar ment of Nicaragua wishing to de todos os modos posibles el facilitate in every way possible feliz mantenimiento y operacion the successful maintenance and de1_ Canal de Panama; ambos operation of the Panama Canal, gobrernos han resuelto celebrar the two Governments have re- una. Convencion para estos fines, solved to conclude a Convention y en consecuencia, han nombrado to these ends, and have accord- como sus respectivos plenipoingly appointed as their pleni— tenciarios; potentianes: _ _ _ The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados Pl““‘p°t°"“l“"““· States, the Honorable William Unidos, ai el Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of Jennings Bryan, Secretario de State; and Estado, y
No·rz.—'l`he amendments of the Senate were accepted by Nicaragua and are incorporated in the text of the Convention.