SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 72-74, 76, 81. 1916. 1243 sate her for the death of her son, C. Val Nicolson, killed while iighting fires on the Coeur d’Alene National Forest on August twentieth, nineteen hundred and ten. Approved, April 11, 1916. CHAP. 73.-A.n Act To relieve J. Lawrence Iatham, at Eu ra, A iL19i6· Webster County, Mississippi, of the payment of cash and fun stolen from thepgost Omoo, [Private, No. 9.] Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United States of Anwdllvya in C ss assembled{Th1;’t J. Lawrence Latham, a.i.;¤_L°"m°° L°' ostmaster at Eu ora, Webster County, Mississippi, be, and he is m§},Q'*f,‘;°gcS‘{§_, gg . hereb , relieved ofp the payment of $3,098.78, or any part thereof, the stclmfromsame being the amount of cash and funds held due rom him to the United States Govemment for moneys and stamps and other property stolen from the post office of Eu ora, Webster County, Mississippi, on November fifteenth, nineteen lllundred and fourteen, by unknown persons. Approved, April 11, 1916. GEAP. 74.-An Act For the relief of Beverly E. Whitehead. *P{§_1f;,,l¥w· Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR'1eg;esentatives of the United [P'*'°“’· N°· *°·] States of America in Congress assembled, t the Secretary of the hgavcty E. www Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out Bynum of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ga.-lppropriated, the sum of $102.60 to Beverly E. Whitehead for the b ance due him for the transportation of the United States mails nmder contract prior to May thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one on route numbered sixty-one undred and ninety-nine, Gegagia, said balance having been found due by the Auditor for the Post ce Demmt and reported to the Senate by the Auditor for the Post e Department on January seventeenth, nineteen hundred and three: Provided, That ?"[,,,,,"{°,;,.,,,,_ not exceeding twenty-five per centum attomey’e fee h allowed. . Approved, April 12. 1916. CHAP. 76.-An Act For the relief of Warren E. Day. A§l}f,g§?]l°· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [P""‘°· N°· "J States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the g,‘}"§,'2,F;,,?°" Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Warren E. ],)ay, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,200, beir;g for professional services rendered and medicine furnished the Hu apai ndians in Arizona Terrikoéjy, under the orders and approval of the Commissioner of Indian aus, durindg the gears eig teen hundred and eighty-three and eighteen hun ed an eight our: Provided, That the acceptance of {Q-”,;,,,,,,,,,,,,_ said sum shall be considered, as final settlement of all claims of every kind whatsoever against the United States. Approved, April 14, 1916. Weimar; e1.-J¤i¤tNes.¤1¤ae¤§i.;u¤i»AJ;•;i;n¤é; Fg: marinas of clriugies 3 réturn to ,’.§?§{‘§Z;¥”éf;, , UID , 911 811 , •—···;·—-——·— meeragaunmgmmseaptmimeeaaormeproeeediugsorsns 1edge?°°m ugmm [mv-R*·»”°·2·1 Resolved by the 'Semzte and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United _ sum {Amman c·engm8a.g8emtzed§f1*u¤i’iue LibrarianfofCongress ,'2,‘g*‘Q€· ‘=·· is here y authorized and directed toreturn to Williamsburg lndgp, w_¥*¤*=¤*°**P**•‘¤*¤••’ Numbered Six, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Virginia, e