PROCLAMZATIONS, 1915. 1735 end of the second year, unless commutation proof is submitted. If commutation proo is made, final payment must be made at that time. If three year proof is submitted, final payment may be made then or at any time thereafter before the pa ments become duo in the annual installments. Neither final certitiizate nor patent will issue under a three-year proof until final payment of purchase money has been made. · Upon all entries made under the homestead laws, the usual fee and ,,,,,I',Qs°‘f“ ‘“‘d °°“‘“'*’* commissions shall be said, as provided for in said laws on lands the price of which is one ollar an twenty-five cents per acre. _ In case any entryman fails to make the upayments herein provided ,,,,’;‘;Q§‘§§§{“° '°" °°’* for, or any o them, pronilptly when due, a rights in and to the lands covered by his entry sha be forfeited, and the entr shall be held for cancellation and canceled, and the land embraced tliierein shall thereupon dbe subject to entry at the price and upon the terms herein name . . . . Lands entered under the townsite and mineral land laws shall be Mmmm °"°°' paid for in amoimt and manner as provided b said laws, but in no case at a less price than that fixed for such lands if entered under the homestead laws. R 1 no The Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe all needful rules and us` regulations necessary to carry the provisions hereof into full force and effect. _ IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this nineteenth da of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine lsiundred and [snub] fifteen and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fortieth. _ Woomzow WHBON By the President: . Ronmvr LANSING, Secretary of State. Br rim PRESIDENT or run UNrr1·:n Srurns or Aumuca £L1U&}31°;.. A PROCLAMATION . WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by rirldllimgl Ziéidill excluding from the Crater Nationall Forest a small area, within the *’“`°“""°· State of California, and restoring the public lands therein in a manner V I _ authorized by the Act of Congress approved September thirtieth, °‘38'°‘“"‘ nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitle "An Act To authorize the President to provide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or withdrawal, and for other Ipurposes "; and WHEREAS a ortion of the area eretofore constituting the Paulina National llaorest, in' Oregon, should be transferred to and made a part of the Crater National Forest; _ ea _ Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United J1 ;:m3;°‘ States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of °’ ’°‘ ‘ Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hu11dred_ and mnety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitle "An Act Making aspropriations for sundry civil ex enses of the Government for the fisc year ending June thirtieth, e` hteen hundred and ninety-eiight, and for other pur- £_oses", do prodlaim that the boundaries o the Crater National orest are hereby changed to exclude the area shown as an elimination upon the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part hereof, PM, Lu and to include the portion of the Paulina National Forest indicated ' thereon and upon the diagram forming part of the proclamation 102620°—-von 39-1*1* 2--36