PROCLAMATIONS, 1915. 1753 priations_for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes", do proclaim that the Kansas National Forest, the boundaries of which are shown upon the diagram hereto annexed and forming a. part hereof, shall be discontinued and cease to exist on December 1, 1915; A I em And I do also proclaim that under authority of the Act of Co giiffitsiliirwp v° approved June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten (36 Stat., V°‘·3“·p·8‘"· 847), entitled "An Act To authorize the President of the United States to make withdrawals of public lands in certain cases", as amended by the Act aéaproved August twenty-fourth, nineteen hun- V°1‘37*p""°7‘ dred and twelve (37 tat., 497), the public lands in the following described areas are hereby temporarily withdrawn for classification and pendingsconsideration by Congress of proposed le lation to set such lan apart as a game refuge, such withdrawal tcli: effective nescnpnon. on the termination of the National Forest: In Township twenty- four (24) South, Range thirty-three (33) West, Sections twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), and thirtghve (35); and in Township twenty- live (25) South, Range thirty-t ee (33) West, Sections one (1) and two (2); ‘ Excluded lands re- And I do further proclaim and make known that in my judgment swred to homestead it is proper and necessary in the interest of egual opportunity and °°m°m°”t‘ good administration that for a period of sixty ays from and including December 1, 1915, the remaining public ands sulllject to disposition in the area theretofore constituting the Kansas ational Forest should be disposed of to actual settlers only under the general provisions of the homestead laws and of the Act of Congress apgoved VOL 35 p_ 63,,. vo, February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, entitled ‘ Act 63gé_pv5¤¤;8V·>L 'ampl to provide for an enlariged homestead," and acts amendato , as v.»i;ai,p.’&£°5°‘ extended to the State 0 Kansas bg the Act approved March llliird, nineteen hundred and fifteen (38 tat., 953), and pursuant to the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid act of September 30, 1913, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands, subject to valid rights and the Ipgwisions of then existing withdrawals, shall from and including ember 1, 1915, until and including January 29, 1916, be entered, settled upon and occupied in the following manner and not otherwise: Um, ,,,,,,,,.,,,_ 1. The lands shall be disposed of in units and fractional units. The contiguous land subject to disposition in the north or south half of any section shall be deemed a unit if it makes as much as 320 acres and a fractional unit if it makes less than that area. A mm hm M 2. On and after November 1, 1915, any person who isqualified iitmlismantiinsts. to make entry or additional entry under the general provisions of the homestead laws or of the said act of February 19, 1909, may execute and present an application to make entry thereimder, or any erson who is qualified to make entry under such laws and R S ws m ms entitfdd to the benefits of Sections 2304, 2305 and 2307 of the Revised mr, pZ’m.' ’ Statutes of the United States ma file a declaratory statement, for the land in any unit or fractionalyimit, or the land in two or more contiguous fractional units if the combined area does not exceed 320 acres and conforms to the requirements of said act of February 19 1909, and in the case of ap lications to make additional homestead entry the land ap lied for should not exceed theadditional area the applicant is entitliad to enter and where so required should be contiguous to the land previous? entered. No applicant will be permitted to omit an unentere part of a unit or fractional unit for the purpose of inchiding therein a part of another or different unit or fractional unit. The a plicant may, he dcsiresto enter less than 320 acres, apply for anyllegal subdivision or subdivisions, compact in form, of a unit or fractional unit. Where entries have been made 102620°—v0L 3!}—r·r 2--38