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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/576

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1915. 1755 applied for, it shall be rejected. If it may be allowed for part of, but not all, the land applied for, the applicant or the declarant through his agent shall be allowed thirty ays from receipt of notice within which to notify the Register and Receiver what disposition to make thereof. During such time, he may request that the application or statement be allowed for the land not in conflict and rejected as to the land in conflict, or that it be rejected as to all the land applied for; or he may ap ly to have the application or statement amended to include other liand which is sub act to entry and to inclusion in his application or statement, providled he is the prior applicant. If it is determined by the drawin that a declaratory statement shall be acted upon and disposed 0% before a homestead a plication for the same land, the homestead applicant shall be allowed) thirty days from receiplt of notice within which to advise the Register and Receiver whet er to allow the application subject to the de aratorylitatement, or to reject the same. _ an a plicant, or a declarant or agent, in such cases fails to notify the Register and Receiver within the time allowed what disposition to make of the ap lication or statement, it will be rejected as to all the land applied fidr. Homestead applications and declaratoigr statements presented after November 26, 1915, will be received an noted in the order of their filing, and will be acted upon and disposed of in the usual manner after al, such applications and statements presented on or before that date have been acted upon and disposed of. _ 6. Persons having valid subsisting rights to enter any'portion of the B““°““'* "‘·'“" lands to be o ned under this Proclamation ma file their applications on and aftergovernber 1, 1915, and should make such app cations as prompfly after such date as they can conveniently do so. 7. one of the lands to be opened under this Proclamation shall '"'“°°"""""" _ become subject to settlement an entry from and including December 1, 1915, until and including January 29, 1916, except in the manner prescribed herein, and alldpersons are admomshed not to make settlement during such per10_ on lands not covered by filings or entries _ made by them under this Proclamation; Provided, however, that ,,,€,§{“‘“‘°°°““ "' nothing herein shall prevent persons from oing upon and over the lands to examine them with a view to malring entry thereof when the lands shall become subject thereto in accordance herewith. At nine o’clock a. m. on January 31, 1916, all of the lands o ned under this Proclamation not otherwise withdrawn or reservedm and which ,,,{’,',?,‘f§’_"§1,_.‘T"“““s”°‘ have not been entered or tiled upon in the manner herein provided will become subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the land laws applicable thereto. 8. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to make and “°*"‘1“"°"" prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry the provisions of this Proclamation into full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this fourteenth dag of October in the ear of our Lord nineteen hundred an fifteen and of [sam,.] the lndependence of the United States the one hundred and fortieth. Woomzow Wr1.soN By the President: Rosnnr Laxsrxo Secretary of State.