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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/581

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1760 PROCLAMATIONS, 1915. consistent with the objects of this proclamation. _ No ship of war or privateer of a belligerent shall be permitted, while in any port, harbor, roadstead, or waters within the jurisdiction of the United States, to take in any supplies except provisions and such other things as may bled requisite fo; thegpbsistence of her eriew, and eiipceptlpo much coal o as ma e s cient to carry suc vesse , wit out any sai povirrer, to tlire nearest port of her own country; or in case the vessel is rigged to go under sail, and may also be propelled by steam riower, then with half the quantity of coal which she would be entitled to receive if dependent u n steam alone, and no coal shall be again . v . . su plied to an such s p of war or privateer in the same or any officr por;.-iharlvor, madstead, pir wagers of the Umtgd gates, witjlig outs iperunss1o' 'n,1mti tertee irationo theemont from Ptliia time when such coal may havexheen last supplied to her within the waters of the United States, unless such ship of war or privateer shall, since last thus supplied, have entered a port of the gov-

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Sm ¤~ my ~· °"“L'§'1$i“it§’ “}1£$ii“h?ibi1°“gS‘ .1 1 · at 4. a am. a tt treaties of the United States and the law of nations alike require ghat no within gilgatetgtory and jilirisdictipn oid the Unilted · tates, s e part, c or y, in the sa' wars, ut shall remain at ce with all o the said belligerents, and shall maintain a strict angeiinpartial neutrality. ¤rii>`iil°éK1°°° °I mm And I do hereby enjoin all citizens of the United States, and all ersons residing or being within the temtory or jundiction of the lllnited States, to observe the laws thereof, and to commit no_ act contrary to the provisions of the said statutes or treaties or m viola- _ tion of the law of nations in that behalf. . _ ug’§,%§,'§‘§{,,°“,l°}b,l§dj’°l' And I do hereby warn all citizens of the United States, and all persons residing or being within its territory or jurisdiction that, while the free and full expression of sympathies in public and private is not restricted by the laws of the United States, military forces in aid of a belligerent cannot lawfiklllly be originated or organized within mC°°°'°"°"d °‘ "'°'· its jurisdiction; and that, while persons may lawfully and without ` restriction b reason of the aforesaid state o war manufacture and sell within tlie United States arms and munitions of war and other articles ordinaril known as "contraband of war," yet they cannot carry such articles u on the high seas for the use or service of a belligerent, nor can they transport soldiers and officers of a belligerpggeplr atgempt to br? hany b olckadedwhich matyhbetlawfullyvestielti- ' an maintaine urin the said wars wi ou incurring e risk of hostile capture and tie penalties denounced by the law of nations in that behalf. ’ N°u°°‘ And I do hereby givia noticp that all citizinstplf the United Statles and others who may c aim the rotection 0 t `s government, w o ma misconduct themselves in tliie remisss, will do so at their peril, anti? that they can in no wise obtairi) any protection from the government of the United States against the consequences of their misconduct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ DONE at the City of Washington this eleventh day of Novemoer, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [ssrn.] fifteen and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fortieth. Woonnow Wirsox By the President: Roamzr Lrutsnze ` Secretary of State.