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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/589

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. 1765 Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States U§g“°°°1M°““m°“*· of America, by virtue of Section two of the Act of Congress approved \’¤i-34, v- 225- June 8, l906, entitled, "An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities", do hereby set aside as the Natural Bridges National Monument, subject to any valid existing-`right, one surveyed sub-trian- D°°’°'*P“°“· gular tract of land m unsurveyed towns ps thirty-six and thirty-seven south, range seventeen, containing about two thousand four hundred and twenty acres, and embracing said natural bridges and principal historic mms, and two smaller square tracts embracing the cave springs and containing one hundred and sixty acres each, located, one m sections one and two, township forty south, range nineteen, and one m unsurveyed township; thirty-nine south, ran es nineteen and twenty, all east of the Salt ke meridian, Utah, am? shown upon the diagram hereto attached and made a part of this proclamation. Warning is hereby expressly given to all unauthorized persons not ,,}},§§n°?‘;‘},,_ "°“‘ s°°‘ to ap§ropr1ate, injure or destroy any of the objects hereby declared to ’ be a ational Monument, nor to settle up;1 any of the lands reserved and made lglpart of said Monument by t proclamation. IN WI ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington this eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] sixteen and of the Inderipndence of the United States the one hundred and fortiet . Woomzow Wn.soN By the President: Ronnnr LANSING, Secretary of State. Br run Pnnsmnm or rim Uurmn Srxms or Aunmca F°""““’"·“"°· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS it app)ears that the lpublic good will be promoted by “§°§',§_N°“°""' F"` excluding from the zark Nationa Forest, Arkansas, certain areas, 1"r•¤¤¤¤>¤e and restoring the public lands therein in a manner authorizedrgy the Act of Congress approved Se tember thirtieth, nineteen hund and V°‘·"“·*’· “"· thirteen (38 Stat., 113), entiiied "An Act To authorize the President to rovide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or witiidrawal, and for other oses"· Now, therefore, I, woobhbw WILSON, President of the United {!_§‘{f’,,‘,§{“,§l“,*§?‘°‘*· States of America, b virtue of the plower in me vested by the Act of (`oncrress approved Jvune fourth, eiv teen hundred and ninety seven (30 Stat., ll at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil ex enses of the Government for the fisca year ending June thirticth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other pur— . poses", do proclaim that the boundaries of the Ozark National Forest are hereby changed to exclude the areas mdicated as eliminations on the dia am hereto annexed and forming; part hereof. And Irdo further proclaim and make own that m my judgment 5,Q§§g’$g’g,°,{*,,,‘_§;},{‘,i,_'°‘ it is proper and necessary in the interest of equal opportunity an good administration that all of such excluded lands su ject to disposition should be restored to settlement in advance of entry, and pursuant to _ the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid Act of September thir- ‘°‘·3‘» P· me tieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands, subject to valid rights and the provisions of existing withdrawals, shall be opened and become sulgiject to settlement only, Time ¤r¤p¤¤i¤s· under the general provisions of the homestea laws, at and after, but lO2620°—vor. 39-··P‘1.' 2;39