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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/632

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PR()CLA.MATIONS. 1916. 1797 Br run Pansxnrzyr or Tun Uxrrnn Srrrrns or AMERICA ·*j‘j‘ 2* *916-_ A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by F,;}{,‘S,$”‘§,,_ N"‘°‘°““‘ ex3lud1ngdfrom the Angeles lglgrtionin flfornst, California, cplrtlirin areas, 1‘r¤¤i¤¤b1¤- an wit rawinv a portion ereo or c assilication, an y rertoring the public lahds subject to disposition in the remaining exchlded _ areas in a manner authorized by the Act of Congress approved Sep- ‘°‘·‘”·P· "’*· tcmbler;1 tlirrgigth, ninetnpn hunl§lr¢§l and thirteen (38 Stat., 111%%), entitle " - ct To authorize the resident to rovide a mctho or opening lands restored from reservation or withdrawal, and for other pur oses· ’ _ Ngiw, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United ·‘“’“ “‘°°’“°d· Sjtates of Americaébrjy virnue of the power in mg vgstedl by the Act of ongress approve une ourth ei¤· iteen hun re an ninety-seven _ (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appropriations ‘ "‘· i’·°»P·"°· for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thrrtreth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes", do proclaim that the boundaries of the Angeles National Forest are hereby changed to exclude the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part hereo . And I do also proclaim that Section fifteen (15), in township s,Q§§},‘},{“"’°* ‘°' °*“$‘ two (2) north, range three (3) east, San Bernardino Meridian, excluded from the Angeles National Forest by this proclamation is \_ M6, 847 hereby temporarily withdrawn under authority of the Act of June °" ’I’° ‘ twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten (36 Stat., 847), as amended _ _ _ by the Act og Auguit tgenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve ‘°‘·~"·¥’·‘°·· ’ 37 Stat. 497, or c ass` cation. · K And I,do fifrther and make known that in my judge- S,§§,§‘;’§§,$,,}§,§,€,;,_” ment it is proper an _ necessaim in the interest of eqlual oplportumty and good a mrnrstratron that of the remaining exc uded ands subject to disposition should be nlestored to scgtlemena mhadgfance og entry, and pursuant to the authority repose in me y the oresai Act of Septe(n1ber thirtileth, ninlpneeni hundred and t B€I]i, I do li1en1e· "°‘·‘*‘·P· ““· by direct an providet at suc an s subject tov rig its an the A _ rovisions of existing withdrawals or rieservations, shall be opened and "`"“° “"’¤"’““‘¤- liecome subject to settlement only, under the general provisions of the homestead laws, at and after, but not before, nine o’cl0ck a. rn., standard time, on the sixty-third day after the date of this proclamation; and to entry and other disposition, under any public land law applicable thergto, an and afseg, but not before, mne o’clock a. m., on the ninct -first ay a ter said ate. Persons who go upon any of the lands to be restored as_herein p&Y_;Y,j{;*;,§:,¤§*g“;e}Q§ provided and perform any act of settlement thereon from and includ- uma. _ mg the date of this prgcllamantion untinlanme ngclnlck ah m., Ftandalnd time on the sixty-thir ay rom an ter the ate ereo orw 0 are dn or are occu yin any part of such lands at_said hour, except ·‘¥'*"““'*"°“““°”· those having valid) suisisting settlement rights initiated prior to resirvation andd sine; maintained, nndh these hpvinrg preferences és; V I H P E ma e entry un er the rovisions o the ct o rongress a prov °·· · · June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six (34 Stat., 233), entitled "An Act To provide for the entry oxggricultural lands wrtlun forest reserves," and Acts amendatory, be considered and dealt with as trespassers and preference will be Ignven the prior legal alppdrcant, F A i at an '_ notwithstanding such unlawful sett ement or occupancy: _ vided, °d_·““"' ‘°“‘ ° however, that nothing herein shall preyent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view thereafter to going upon and making settlement thereon when the lands shall become